What is this

Hi Vett
Keep in mind there are a number of things about this model that are unrealistic and out of scale so I am guessing the globe is supposed to be a lantern. What may be interesting to some is that the model itself looks like a 16th century galleon but the name plate shows Captain Henry Morgan who wasn't born until the 17th century and not known to have sailed on galleons which were gone by the time he sailed. He doubtless sailed on a number of various ships, but the only two that he was known to have sailed/commanded were the fifth rates Satisfaction (1646) and Oxford (1656), neither of which were galleons.
Thanks for your input. I was just curious. I know it out of scale and not true but still nice looking.
I might be wrong Kurt, but I always believed large candles were used initially then progressing to oil lamps burning Whale oil as technology advanced
Stern lamps- Some versions, can't remember exactly which ships they were, were so large 2 or 3 men could stand upright inside them.