Swift 1805 Artesania latina

Take your time and work till your pleased with results! It is your model of a ship, not exact replica.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or ask question on what to do as that is why we are all here.

Swift can be a nice small build and look good for simple ship of its time.
Love the wood work is that from the kit or did you veneer it yourself. Obviously I will be painting mine, but if I can veneer it might be worth the extra. I have no idea where to get the materials for that though. Any advice?
I liked it very much, wish I had another, or move this ship to a base. I think its called a Keel Clamp, but I forget which company makes it. Look in Micro Mark or Model Expo webpage, I have seen it listed before.

You can make your own similar design with some nice wood and hardware. The swivel is not needed by handy.
I can't say I remember if the lower hull veneer came with the ship or I bought it as aftermarket item.

The mentor I had in local ship builders groups hated paint and said paint with different wood colors!
I can't say I remember if the lower hull veneer came with the ship or I bought it as aftermarket item.

The mentor I had in local ship builders groups hated paint and said paint with different wood colors!
You had a mentor? Would you be willing to mentor me? I’m discovering that I should probably assemble the whole hull and then worry about filling holes and imperfections
The whole of the forums will help mentor you. That is why we have build logs, to show where we are in our build, and ask for help when needed. There are many here in the forums with much more knowledge then me.

I was lucky when I first started, a local hobby shop in the city I went to for model railroad supplies had a boat group who meet on Saturdays at the shop, I got involved and the group and one more experienced guy helped me a lot, plus they spread the BS around as well. Sadly that was 10 years ago, and I have lost contact as the hobby shop moved and then closed a few years after.

I will be willing to help all that I can, let me know where you are and what questions you have.
I belive almost, if not all, Artesania Latina ship are double planking. Nevertheless, in case I am wrong or is missing in that kit, buying a second planking, for example walnut, is not expensive at all. Check eBay or Model Expo in USA or many others around the world and you will see it is cheap. Moreover, the Swift is a small ship, so you will not need to much. You can count how many woods planks have you used for your first planking and add a few more. Get the same width of plank.

My very first ship was the Swift from plans following a Spanish Magazine subscription (Modelismo Naval). On each magazine you had pictures of the part to be built. All from scratch. That was in Argentina 30+ years ago. I have a special feeling for that ship..... you can imagine why.

Enjoy it !!!

I actually love the look of paint on a ship. I think it adds dimension and realism as many ships were painted. I know it’s a personal preference area and there are two schools paint and no paint. In the end it’s your model and needs to reflect your preferences. Enjoy!
Thanks all I have started to look ahead a few steps that does help. Will probably buy that clamp. Plus I’ll paint this model seeing’s how I already bought the paint. I am almost ready to paint, once done I’m gonna have lots of questions. As I’ve never got past building the hull before.
It's nice the mast, booms and rigging on the Swift is fairly simple compared to many other ships. Good start to get into what it takes to do rigging on more complex ship style.
Hi all, spent all week working on the doors for the two booths, mostly the hinges. Finally realized the key thing I’m missing are the right tools. Everything I have is for real size stuff, and what I need is model stuff. I’ve seen a few kits but they seem to have things I may not need. Any suggestions would be great. I am enjoying this build a lot but need the right tools. Thanks everyone
For working hinges, eyerings and other small wire and metal the jewelry department of craft stores like Hobby Lobby sell small fine tipped pliers used in jewelry wire work.
Been making great progress ordered the Amati keel clamper, panavise, and other tools. But, I don’t seem to have any tool to put these pins in place, any ideas would help thanks image.jpg