Rigging books/instruction manuals

Sep 3, 2021

Hello everybody,

Please if you can give me an advice which book for rigging to look for

I would recommend Lennarth Petersson's books. Rigging: Period Ship Models & Rigging: period Fore-and-Aft Craft. Though it only represents ships from around the eighteenth century.

we have book reviews here in SOS:

Re post #8 the book I have has no cover, just the original (1893) blind embossed blue binding.
Full title:- The Riggers Guide and Seaman's Assistant; containing practical instructions for rigging ships with considerable additions relative to wire rigging,formation of knots etc. Seventh Edition.

Right at the beginning there are instructions on the use of The Lead and Log Line. Something I haven't seen before.
Neither processes are as simple as I imagined.

There are numerous tables and a few line illustrations where the author felt they were needed.
It isn't stated but I would imagine the book instructs what must have been common practice at the time of publication.
The Petersson books should be treated with caution!

He himself does not claim to be correct, which unfortunately he is not, he only documents the rigging of selected models (including the errors unfortunately). But it is an good start and visual orientation..

The most important books in my opinion are:

* The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship - Steel (free on the net)
* Eighteent-century Rigs & Rigging - Karl Heinz Marquardt
* The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War, 1625-1860 - James Lees
* Rundhölzer, Tauwerk & Segel Gebundene Ausgabe - Klaus Schrage (only in german but imo one of the best because of all the drawings)

A big question. Many answers.
James Lees.
RC Anderson
L. Petersen
There a lot of writers, al different ships and era.
What are you looking for, and for wat ship?
Good evening, there are these too, Seamanship, The_Young_Sea_Officer_s_Sheet_Anchor_or -------.1647376707722.png Seamanship - Stephen Bleecker Luce, United States Nav
The Petersson books should be treated with caution!

He himself does not claim to be correct, which unfortunately he is not, he only documents the rigging of selected models (including the errors unfortunately). But it is an good start and visual orientation..

The most important books in my opinion are:

* The Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship - Steel (free on the net)
* Eighteent-century Rigs & Rigging - Karl Heinz Marquardt
* The Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War, 1625-1860 - James Lees
* Rundhölzer, Tauwerk & Segel Gebundene Ausgabe - Klaus Schrage (only in german but imo one of the best because of all the drawings)

A big question. Many answers.
James Lees.
RC Anderson
L. Petersen
There a lot of writers, al different ships and era.
What are you looking for, and for wat ship?
Trabacollo it’s late 18th start 19th, thanks