Royal Caroline 1/30 Boxwood Edition by neptune

May 25, 2017

In approximately four days I will be receiving a kit of The Royal Caroline 1/30 scale the Boxwood version, due to Gregs ( Peg Leg Greg, ill health ) he has decided not to construct the kit and has part gifted part sold it to me, I must say he was very generous to me, I have already nearly finished a Pearwood version which i built out of the box plank on bulkhead, with this Boxwood version I would like to build the hull frame work and add the carvings, fittings etc to it, like the Admiralty style models, it will be awhile before I actually start this as I have a lot of other models etc to finish, also in his Generosity Greg gifted his ZHL Rope walk to me, I was speechless, I will post some pics of both items when they arrive, in closing I would like to wish Greg and Luz all the best for the future, in all aspects, thank you Greg,

Best regards John,
Hallo John,
great news (and also many thanks to Greg), so we are able to see this highly interesting project running in a building log

Hallo John,
great news (and also many thanks to Greg), so we are able to see this highly interesting project running in a building log

G'day Uwe, I will start a log, but it will be awhile before I really start the build as there will be a lot drawing work to do first for the frames, I will show the contents of the Rope Walk box, Greg said there were lots of parts to it, it is still all in the box untouched, I'm trying to get my Proxxon mill set up in its own spot and changing my work room around to accommodate everything, so things flow better, and there are all the Great builds you Guys are building, to much to do and not enough time, I've bought a RUBBER CLOCK so that I can stretch the time a bit more, thanks for watching and all the great work you do behind the scenes to keep things running OK,

best regards John.
Sorry to hear Greg is not able to finish his model.
Some three years ago we were building like the 3 musketeers on the same kit, that was a fun time. I have contacted him a while back and it seemed to go slightly better.
Hope Greg will do fine and maybe a smaller project will be in his reach in the near future.
I am sure you will build his kit come into its own and make it into something beautiful.
Looking forward to the photos and review of the rope walk.

Maybe a small build log for others to see what it looks like and how to assemble, and how it works.

I have been interested in a rope walk for hobby use, but so many out there it's hard to decide on which is best value for what I would be using it for.

I have made and used very crewed rope walks for Boy Scouts to teach youth how to make a simple rope for use in tents and other simple projects.
Sorry to hear Greg is not able to finish his model.
Some three years ago we were building like the 3 musketeers on the same kit, that was a fun time. I have contacted him a while back and it seemed to go slightly better.
Hope Greg will do fine and maybe a smaller project will be in his reach in the near future.
I am sure you will build his kit come into its own and make it into something beautiful.

G'day Maarten, yes that was a fun time, I really enjoyed building them together, hopefully greg will be getting a bit better soon, he is a great guy, we have kept in touch by phone every couple of months, and had some nice conversations, I'm not too sure when i will get around to starting this Royal Caroline,

best regards john,
Finally got my milling machine in place, just have to bolt it down,

The parcels arrived Wednesday afternoon, Greg did a great job on packing and labeling them, there was no
damage at all,

The contents of the smaller box was the Royal Caroline, and also a lot of extra's that Greg had included, a Plank
bending machine, small saws, screw drivers, blackening fluid and quite a bit of other stuff,


the launch that Greg had managed to get half the planking done, a very good job,

I was very lucky on ebay and bought a hard back version of the Royal Caroline book for AUD $40,

just a couple of small black marks on the jackek otherwise in perfect nick, should come in handy for when I start my Boxwood version of The royal Caroline,

best regards John.
Sorry guys I double posted thinking that this was my Royal William log,

best regards John.
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G'day Zoly, it is my log but after posting about buying the Royal Caroline book I carried on posting about my Royal William by mistake, no worries it's all Ok now,
Best regards John,
I can fix that ,I just move the right posts back here
I was very lucky on ebay and bought a hard back version of the Royal Caroline book for AUD $40,

View attachment 358090
just a couple of small black marks on the jackek otherwise in perfect nick, should come in handy for when I start my Boxwood version of The royal Caroline,

best regards John.
Great find John, well done. Thumbsup

G'day all, in anticipation of finishing my Royal William sometime in the next six months or so I have been having another look at the Royal Caroline and again checking sizes, as Heinrich said, some say it is too long and some say it is too short, I don't think it is too long or too short but rather the kit is at 1/30 and the drawings that the carvings have been developed from are at a slightly larger scale of approx 1/27, which I hope to show in the next few posts.
I thought the best way to go about it was to obtain a copy of a high Resolution Draught which i did, the resolution of which is 6000 x 3880 and it is fantastic,

best regards John,