Since I have no actual plans and only one viable photograph of HMS Picotee I have been building her using mainly the plans of HMS Alisma ( also built by H&W ) in 1/96 scale and drawn by Mr John Lambert along with 1/48 scale plans and AotS book of HMCS Agassiz by John McKay, I have complemented this by viewing the numerous photographs of other 'Flowers' available in books and on line. However there is a feature shown on my photograph of Picotee that I have not seen on any other flower and it has left me scratching my head.
To my eye these look like two companion ways with stern facing w/t doors opening to port. very similar to the one in the centre of the pic between the two large cowl vents that has some crew members sitting beside it. on both sets of plans there are hatches situated around this area but nowhere else have I seen companion ways, strange. I knocked up a pair to what I hope is the correct size but am not sure weather to add them or not, I can only find two completed models of Picotee on line and neither shows them.
Apart from this quandary I have been working on the compass house above the wheel house, another reminder of the penny-pinching way that the designers went about building these early Flowers. Since they gave these ships only a magnetic compass the had to house it in a wooden cabin/ shack! Then deciding that wood doesn't offer much protection against gun and cannon they added a steel 'X' box (my name) or as called 'armoured crucifix', of course being metal and prone to disturb the compass it had to be placed as far from it as possible (not very in this case) and just to make sure that communications where tip top old boy they added a voice tube, (actually a bit of rubber hose with a mouth piece that dangled over the top between the four hiding places!).
Here are some pics..
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