I Have a Gremlin in my Workshop.

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I have hardwood floors... oak stained to a dark walnut colour. So when my gremlins get active, I have to go all CSI in a darkened room with a flashlight. I find that if I get low and shine the light nearly parallel to the floor it makes little objects pop right out. Well, sort of... the item is still usually resting someplace that neither gravity nor my recollection of the drop area would indicate as being correct. lol
I don't bother even looking 'cause I know I'm not going to find them. Every time I empty the hoover bag I save it in a big box, then when I get the urge and the time I'm gonna make a ship out of all the bits I think came from a ship and see what I end up with.
You Too? They must all be related. The MO of my basement shop dwellers is precisely the same. As much as year or more later I'll find the bloody part exactly as you describe, and, yes, you CAN hear the little buggers snickering somewhere just out of sight. If you have REEEALLLY good peripheral vision, I swear you can almost see them! :eek:
those darn gremlins are taking over
Missing parts is an ancient curse, one of the punishments inflicted upon Adam and Eve to foist eternal frustrations upon us mortals who like to build models. To add to this punishment we are allowed to find the missing parts once they are no longer needed.
have one too i lost and hearing aid and we spend hours trying to find it i have ceramic floor and the area is about 120 squares feet never found it luck that it was insured .still cost me .
There must be. Whenever I drop a small part (like an eyebolt or deadeye) it simply disappears. The gremlin grabs it and takes it who knows where. He usually returns the part anywhere from a few hours to a few days later, sometimes longer. Then he places it in a spot I KNOW I had thoroughly searched before. I can almost hear him laughing at my puzzled expression and cuss words.
I also have one of those gremlins...:)
There is no need to consider mythical beings. Science can explain this phenomenon.
  • Entropy: The second law of thermodynamics introduces us to entropy, which tends to increase. The higher the entropy the higher the disorder. In other words, nature does not like little parts to be where you think they belong but prefers them scattered about.
  • Murphy's Third Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
  • Murphy's Fourth Law: If several things could go wrong, the one that causes the most damage will be the one that goes wrong. In practice, this means that if you drop and lose a small part, it's likely to be the part of which you don't have any spares.
  • Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: You cannot know both the position and the velocity of a particle at the same time. This works against accurate estimation of the direction and distance that a small part travels when dropped.
  • Search Theory: It's always in the last place you look. Since you can't know where the last place is, you may need to look in an infinite number of places to find what you lost.
  • Gravity: According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is the bending of spacetime. While Newton would have us believe that apples all fall toward the center of the earth, Einstein tells us that small parts can go almost anywhere.
If we could find where gremlins hide the stolen parts, we might be able to retrieve them along with missing socks and food container lids. Fair winds!
The Seach Theory" is proven fact, also applies to keys & a multitude of other items!
I have hardwood floors... oak stained to a dark walnut colour. So when my gremlins get active, I have to go all CSI in a darkened room with a flashlight. I find that if I get low and shine the light nearly parallel to the floor it makes little objects pop right out. Well, sort of... the item is still usually resting someplace that neither gravity nor my recollection of the drop area would indicate as being correct. lol
Sounds just like my floor and my futile method to find anything.
hey, if you catch a gremlin with a couple graduated cylinders under his arm, break his got dam neck for me! i searched my entire darkroom n cant find a single one. wtf! i put them in the same place for the past 50 years... all gone.

my wife says im losing my mind... cant lose something you never had.
Anything smaller than a thumb nail goes into a recycled fruit cup
even if only for a minute or so. Something not mentioned was the
joy of not finding a missing part on the floor, but finding a piece
that you dropped a week ago.
OMGosh Jeff, what a cutie!

This was a fun thread to read. I wish I could blame Gremlins, but I know better. I can still recite the Gettysburg Address that I memorized 60 years ago in the 5th grade, but I can't remember where I put my glasses. Have you ever looked for something in the "junk drawer" in the kitchen, THREE times, like it would magically appear there after you the first two times you looked there?!? So sad. Eventually, I find everything I lose, and no, the glasses were not on my head........they were in the glasses' case. Cautious
OMGosh Jeff, what a cutie!

This was a fun thread to read. I wish I could blame Gremlins, but I know better. I can still recite the Gettysburg Address that I memorized 60 years ago in the 5th grade, but I can't remember where I put my glasses. Have you ever looked for something in the "junk drawer" in the kitchen, THREE times, like it would magically appear there after you the first two times you looked there?!? So sad. Eventually, I find everything I lose, and no, the glasses were not on my head........they were in the glasses' case. Cautious
Thanks Ken. :) She was supposed to be a replacement emotional therapy dog for my wife, but she chose me. :)
As far as looking in the "junk drawer" 3 times... I've done worse. I was in a hurry and was looking for my car keys all the while I was holding them in my hand. :p
Techniques can be used to find mushrooms
After a day of rain, facing the evening sun (focus on the floor of the cabinet)
Mushrooms shine with humidity, stones do not.
Another technique is when you see a mushroom and bend down to pick it, sit down and look carefully around, others always appear, which were at the beginning
Also praying, cursing produces no results other than a heart attack.
My workbench has a slight slope on it. Anything round just roles off. I keep promising to fix it. By the time I've picked everything up I don't have the energy for it. One day I will start the day by fixing it, that means I have to remember to do it, darn!!