Prins Willem book and drawings by H. Ketting


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Sep 10, 2017

The Netherlands
When I was 14 years old my favorite book from our local library was this one.

De Prins Willem of Herman Ketting.
Herman Ketting was responsible for the shipmodel collection in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and in their collection they have a contemporary model of this probably largest 17th century Dutch vessel. She was an east indiamen for the first multinational in the world the VOC build in 1651.

The model in the Rijksmuseum is not build to s scale but build to proportions lie the original, calculated back to scale she is approx 1:50.

Ketting build a copy of the shipmodel like she probably looked when new and during this study he gathered all info and wrote a detailed book about the ship incl. a real model size set of drawings.

From the ship a full size replica was build in The Netherlands in the 80s for Japanese theme park. I visited the ship in the 80s as a kid when she was transported from the yard.

The themepark went bankrupted and the replica came back to the Netherlands in 2003 and unfortunately she was destroyed by a fire in 2009.
The original book is +/-a3 size with a hudge amount of drawings. There is also a German copy of the book which I also have but this is of far less quality then the original.

See below some of the detailed drawings.

Next to all the detailed drawings it contains tables with numbers and sizes of blocks ropes etc.
It is a great resource to build a full scale copy of the Rijksmuseum original model.
The book is in Dutch language.

Finally I got hold to a copy of this fantastic book incl the original Rijksmuseum drawings. This will definately a future scratch build project.
And the full size drawings in approx 1:50.

The drawings are not as detailed like the ancre monographs, but if you can work with line plans it provides all the info you need to build it.

Corel also based its prins willem kit on this model allthough in much smaller scale and with the regular kit simplifications.
I have a other edition (The blue book) in German.
The drawings in the books are awesome and helps as well for my 17. century french La Belle.
Hi Oliver,
I do have a copy of this one as well, bit it is much more simple then the original book, thats why I was looking to get the original with drawings already for a really long time.
Hi Oliver,
I do have a copy of this one as well, bit it is much more simple then the original book, thats why I was looking to get the original with drawings already for a really long time.
for everybody interested this one is the german version, with a reduced content.
I have it also in my Library, it has 144 pages, the original 184 pages.
The book did not come with the drawings originally, I was very lucky to be able to buy these and looked for these for years. I can check with the rijksmuseum if they are still available but I don't think so as they are from the 70 s.
For a fellow member I have copied them as he wanted a paper copy. I have also digitalized them into pdf. Send me a pm if you are interested so I can see what I can do.
Hi Maarten, I'm building this ship at this time. I'm thinking of starting an build log of it here. It is scratch build, partly build by a man who couldn't finished here.
I got the book and the plans of Corel. I like the plans you have and I will send you a pm.
Also I have a question about the position of ram-head block and knight of the main mast. In the Corel plans it is positined diagonal behind the mast and Herman Ketting positioned it richt behind the mast, like the drawings of the 7 provintiën. Problem is when its directly placed in line with the mast you wil get later a conflict with the stay. Difficult to decide. So I will by pleasant if you would share the drawings you have.
you can find my build hereëvaarder-herman-ketting.271569/
But as I said, I'm thinking to start here a build log.
Regards Stephan
ps. sorry about my bad English.
And the full size drawings in approx 1:50.
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The drawings are not as detailed like the ancre monographs, but if you can work with line plans it provides all the info you need to build it.

Corel also based its prins willem kit on this model allthough in much smaller scale and with the regular kit simplifications.
HI Maarten,
I have the Ketting book, but without the drawings...
Were can you get these, preferably in PDF form, so they can be printed in one's own desired scale?
I tried the, they list these drawings, but without any picture or possibility to buy or dwnload them.
Regards, Frank.