
  1. J

    Hello, and happy building..Black Pearl build 1/72

    Hi I’m John and just joined so let me know any tips that can help me :) here’s my build so far Used panzer old wood and dark deck wash by Ak some of the stuff of gold and green are from game workshop.
  2. Swabbie

    Log Build: Crab (a crane boat)

    Had a lot of fun building my first boat, the Bingal. It was made from two bow sections. This one, the Crab, will basically be made from two stern sections. I intend to make a crane boat. I think it may be a combination of these two designs: I like the idea of two cranes. It gives that...
  3. Swabbie

    Bridge and Boat Diorama

    Currently 2/3 through a scratch build diorama. Because I am new to modelling it has taken a long time to get this far. I have many photographs to download, so they will be posted on a daily basis until they catch up to where I am at with the project. Last year, the Ballina Naval and Maritime...