gorch fock

  1. K

    Gorch Fock changed to "Eagle" US Coast Guard - OcCre in scale 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Kilka dni temu rozpoczęło się leczenie Gorch Fock OcCre w skali 1:90 Oto pierwsze przymiarki do konstrukcji kadłuba: A few days ago, the Gorch Fock OcCre 1:90 scale treatment began Here are the first attempts at the hull structure: Jeszcze dużo pracy:)
  2. gibby_74

    GORCH FOCK by Mantua

    Starting a new kit the gorch fock by mantua. Doing an unboxing of this kit, definitely seems of better quality than the lynx. Big sheet of photoetched parts. This will be the biggest ship I have done so far. 3 sheet of plans that are printed front and back. Already started to dry fit the...