ijn akagi

  1. Will @ Trilogy

    IJN AKAGI 1/350 by Hasegawa [COMPLETED BUILD]

    While looking for a model to build that has great visual detail I came upon YouTube videos of the Akagi with a the under deck structure and thought maybe I could build this complicated photo etch. I ordered the model to study and when it arrived it left me with a OMG feeling. Do I have enough...
  2. P

    IJN Akagi - 1/700 Hasegawa

    Hello all, Started on this one: Aircraft carrier Akagi in 1/700 scale. I have the basic Tetra upgrade set for this kit. I was thinking of getting the deck set with the PE deck supports, we'll see. It's a bit expensive and hard to get. Started drilling out the port holes. Quite a few of...