
  1. D

    Pear wood / Boxwood ...who sell them in USA ?

    Hi all Do you know who sells pear wood and/or Boxwood in USA already cut in planks of several thicknesses. Like 1, 2, 3, 4 mm. Thank you for the help. Daniel
  2. Dave Stevens (Lumberyard)

    Wood it's characteristics and use in model building

    I have been working with wood, trees and lumber for many years and I have been asked to start a topic on wood. so here is my first post Any wood can be sold under different trade names boxwood is a good one for that there are 70 different woods sold as boxwood most are not even close to...
  3. zoly99sask

    Wood,lumber and timber suppliers

    I have ordered last year my first wood supply from this website from Germany ,good quality and much cheaper than most of the US suppliers. https://modellbau-holz.jimdo.com/startseite/zum-shop/holzleisten/