As someone who had a table saw accident several years ago, I have great empathy for what you've experienced. In my case, I 90% severed the top third of my right thumb as a result of kick back while pulling a piece through the saw. I take full ownership of what I did, because I should know better and was operating the saw without proper guards in place, and performing an action that I should never have done. It happens so fast that you don't have time to react, and in reflection, when my accident occurred it felt like a sting... but my mind knew better and my first thoughts were "oh God, how bad is this going to be?". It wasn't hugely painful, perhaps more from shock than anything else.

On a positive note, they were able to reattach the end of my thumb, and over time, I've recovered the majority of feeling at the tip. It's a very hard life lesson, but I hope that others here on the forum learn from our experience and take proper safety precautions when using tools... hand tools or powered tools. I wish you fast healing with both of your injuries.