Parts review Aftermarket naval guns parts to upscale, Part 1/3


Staff member
Forum Moderator
Nov 3, 2018

Brooklyn, New York USA
* there is no copyright on any images in this review
Let's face it...How many of us have been disappointed with the cannons supplied in the kits? Personally, I found that manufacturers don't pay enough attention to cannon details. Often, the carriages are out of scale and made from cast metal. Barrels are poorly designed and don't represent the correct era. The rigging materials are not supplied..., there could be more reasons why they don't look good to you. In general, they still can be used but...If we want something more to scale and more authentic, we want to look for the upgrade. ;)

Part 1
Greeting all, it's been a while since I made a kit review, and today I have a chance to present you the upscale naval cannons sets. That's right, those are not typical kits, they come in sets and can be used interchangeably which gives more usability and flexibility over traditional kits.


Because it is not a traditional kit review, it makes me scratch my head, how should I organize this review? Frankly, I still don't know...but enough intrigues, let's begin.

To get started, the image below will help to identify most of the parts the British naval gun is made of. I have mentioned the Brit (English) style because the French (Continental) naval guns are different. The major difference is how both countries breech the guns. The French passed the breeching rope thru the carriage, while the Brit tied the breeching rope around barell's button.


Wow, there are so many parts, but don't worry remember them. Save this image handy and use it when required. The good news is that now, with those mini-kits we can employ most of those parts on our models, including rigging.

-The sets: Barrels

What are those sets? Each set contained parts to make a complete cannon. Set of CNC-turned brass barrels, Set of pearwood (yea, you hear it right - pearwood) carriage parts, and set of PE parts. For rigging, there will be sets of blocks and rigging ropes. There are 5 distinct and diffident sizes of barrels that dictate the size of the entire cannon. The sizes are 50.0mm (the largest), 45.00mm, 40.00mm, 35.00mm, and 30.00mm (the smallest).


Each size comes with 4 barrels in the bag. Also, accompanied by the barrels, you will find a piece of wire to make a trunnion (don't know what the heck it is, look up at the image), There is more than enough for all 4 barrels.
Let's check them in more detail starting with the largest size 50.0mm. I like the style and how they turned out.


...and 45.0mm barrels. They are a bit different pattern, but really handsome-looking barrels. BTW, the trunnion holes are drilled below the centerline (yea!!) in all barrel sizes.

600_3823.jpg 600_3824.jpg

...and 40.0mm, and a bit different pattern

the next one is 35.0mm barrels

the last one is the smallest - 30.0mm

All barrels are made from brass and turned on a lathe using CNC technology. The trunnion hole was drilled below the centerline and the reinforcement rings complete the barrel patterns. For the most part, I am happy with how they look, at the same time, the pattern could be improved specifically at the muzzle and breeching\button parts. If you own a metal lathe, you can modify barrels in a way you like them.


Barrels review verdict: I will give Gold StarGold StarGold StarGold Star (out of 5 stars)

-The sets: Carriages

The carriage sets also come in a plastic bag with all parts required to make 4 complete carriages for all 5 different sizes (same as barrels). All parts a Pink Pearwood boards of different sicknesses free of knots and imperfections. Parts are Laser-cut and easily separated with a sharp hobby knife. Let's see those in detail (thanks to Macro).


Each set included two boards: the thicker board contained both Hind, and Fore axletrees, Fore and Hind tracks (wheels), and Quoin imitation. The thinner board is presented with brackets (sides), a transom, and a bolster. Because carriages sets are absolutely the same, just different sizes, I will show only some but will give details in macro images so you will have an idea of their quality.


With a first look, I can see some vivid differences from other manufacturers. Premade holes for Gun Tackle rings and the hole for the Breeching ringbolt. Also, tracks are represented with bolt imitations. The laser marks on axletrees are the guidelines to position brackets, and transom marks are the fairing lines. Below are some details and macro images.

The board from the back

In my opinion, the carriage sets are exactly what Dr. prescribes. The pearwood will nicely fit into most kits' interior and with a bit of oil, will give a nice warm color. All parts fit well and require some charr removal (if desired). Axletree ends requires rounding so the tracks can be fitted. The entire assembly looks great. As an improvement, I would love to have a laser line dividing carriage brackets into two parts, shouldn't be a major redo, IMHO.

Carriage review verdict: I will give Gold StarGold StarGold StarGold StarGold Star (out of 5 stars)

PE parts next stay tuned ...
-The sets: PE parts

Alright, until now we have a barrel and carriage, what else we are missing? Those of you who ever assembled plastic models know well how the PE upscale kit\set could make your model top-notch. Here, is no exception! The PE sets will contain all the parts necessary to complement your cannon, and get it ready for rigging.
Each of the PE sets is designed to complement the carriage of the same size, e.g. for a 45.0mm carriage set, it is recommended PE set for 45.0mm. All sets come in a single fret 0.3mm thick and are divided into 4 squares: each square has parts for one cannon. Here you will find a set of Capsquare brackets with Capsquare Eyebolt, and Capsquare Joint bolt (all cannon part names are in the image at the beginning). Various eyebolts to fit the Train Tackle and Gun Tackle loops, Breeching ringbolts, tackle hooks, will never guess, the barrel emblem of Royal George.
* at the moment of writing only a 50.0mm PE fret has a set of Linch Pins. I am hoping they will add this important detail to the rest of the sets.

Now, we will take a virtual tour to look at what's inside the PE frets. The first 50.0mm fret,

The 45mm PE set, looks like the 50mm, but a bit smaller and doesn't have Linchpins

Check out the relative size using the ruler.

All PE frets have the same number of parts smaller to fit the cannon sizes. Let's take a look at close-up photos.

Here is the Royal George emblem, for sure it will dress up any barrel. If you have read the first part where we review the cannon barrels, one of the images will show the barrels with the emblem soldered.


For the most part, I have to admit, I am mostly satisfied with PE sets. I like the crispiness of the parts, and how they look in the model. I love the emblem, it dress-up the barrel and adds to the entire cannon appearance. What I would improve: The eyebolt pin should be smaller in size. Because it is not round like a wire, you would need to drill a much bigger hole to fit it in the carriages. Also, I would like linchpins for smaller PE sets.

PE frets review verdict: I will give Gold Star Gold Star Gold Star Gold Star (out of 5 stars)

-The sets: Conclusion
Here we come to the end of our naval cannon sets review. It is great to know that such sets are available at our disposal, I like the idea of selling those sets individually. If you need to upgrade the entire cannon, you have the option to acquire all three sets. If you need just barrels and are happy with your carriages, no problem what size should fit your model best? Happy with your barrels and carriages but still would like to add more details, here is the PE sets, I am confident the PE set will make the job done! Here is more positive news: I found that a 40.0\45.0mm PE set might better fit (for your taste) your cannon sets. The Royal George monogram will beautify plain barrels!
Here are a few images (I am going ahead of the game) to show up what all 3 sets can produce. The brass interpretation is made entirely from parts included in the sets, while the blackened version is my vision where I use mostly parts from the sets and added more details. Also, I tested all parts with blackened solution, to make sure you can blacken them as well. You will most likely make your personal touch, and we would be happy to see those images.

These are the smallest sizes: 30.0 and 35.0mm complete cannons from the sets we have just reviewed.

Complete sets verdict: I will give Gold Star Gold Star Gold Star Gold Star Because two sets scored 4 starts, I cannot give 5. However, I can assure, you will be happy to work with those sets, and I am sure your cannons will look much better than the ones supplied in the kits, for sure!! Last, but not least can purchase the sets we revied at the links below.

Oh...almost forget, don't go away for long. In the next posts, we will make all those cannons using all the sets.
Until then, so long, and thank you! :)

I totally agree with you, Mr. Kraken. I had a real pleasure working with those sets. I would love to know if anyone working with those sets has the same feelings.
One of the things I have objected to have been wooden kits' guns. They are usually common across all decks of any ship. It sees that these reviewed guns help solve that problem. I will give them a try.

One of the things I have objected to have been wooden kits' guns. They are usually common across all decks of any ship. It sees that these reviewed guns help solve that problem. I will give them a try.

Thank you, Bill. I would love to know your opinion about those sets while you will work with them...
First of all, Merry Christmas and may the next year bring you health and happiness-and may you finish some of your projects to your satisfaction !
I was snooping around the site and found your very didactic helpful article on guns and carriages.,.thanks for posting it. I have a rather stupid question: How does the size in mm of the cannon translate, at say 1:48 scale, into “pounder” size for English guns. For example, what size in mm would a 9 pounder cannon be in a 1:4 scale model ? I can calculate it for each gun size and scale, but do you know of a chart already made ? Maybe Modelship Dockyard could make a chart and post it in the area where they sell the gun barrels and carriages.
Alex R
First of all, Merry Christmas and may the next year bring you health and happiness-and may you finish some of your projects to your satisfaction !
I was snooping around the site and found your very didactic helpful article on guns and carriages.,.thanks for posting it. I have a rather stupid question: How does the size in mm of the cannon translate, at say 1:48 scale, into “pounder” size for English guns. For example, what size in mm would a 9 pounder cannon be in a 1:4 scale model ? I can calculate it for each gun size and scale, but do you know of a chart already made ? Maybe Modelship Dockyard could make a chart and post it in the area where they sell the gun barrels and carriages.
Alex R
That simple question has a very complex answer. First off, the shape and design depend on several things; time period, nationality, and type of gun barrel. There were several systems of classifying guns over the years. A popular way in the 18th and 19th centuries is by pound of shot. Before that, different gun types were loosely categorized by names such as basilisk, cannon of VII, perrier, falcon, falconet, culverin, drake, saker, etc. Each of these types had the ri own ranges of dimensions and calibers which overlapped each other a bit. Then there were variations like demi-culverin and demi-culverin-drake that were designs in between other designs. And, you have cutts, which are shortened versions of the other major classes. Very complex and non-standardized. Later, the standard focussed on weight of round shot for classification. Each nationality had different standards. Here is a Danish example below:


A popular but hard to find book that shows all manner of naval ordnance over time is Wolfram zu Mondfeld's Schiffsgeschütze 1350 bis 1870.

So, if you want us to proved a page from that book for your information, provide the time period and nationality of the naval guns in question, and more specific information can be provided to you.
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Maybe Modelship Dockyard could make a chart and post it in the area where they sell the gun barrels and carriages.
I made a spread sheet for this a while back and thought I had posted it before in the Making Cannon subject here at SoS. Turns out I did not, sorry for that. Attached is the Excel sheet. To get the bore diameter there are many charts on the internet but if you cannot find it let us know.


Thank you very much, Alex! Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. Regarding SOS, there is no such thing as 'stupid' questions. All questions are legit and have the right to be asked. Your question seems to be simple, but it is very complex to answer. When it comes to gunnery they have standards, each gunnery from different countries of origin has its standards in terms of bore diameter (caliber), burrel lengths, design of reinforcement rings, cascabels, etc. Another story was about the carriages, while each country maintained its designs and sizing, there were no standards, per se. This is because the carriages are built from available materials and often built in-route, at sea. One of the crucial points was the weight of those carriages, some times they would need to hollow the sides to preserve the total weight of the ship. Also, history knows so many different designs, that it would be too difficult, if not impossible to have standards. We do have some tables with given sizes, It is easy enough to make for your scale. Here is for the British guns.


We do have some tables with given sizes, It is easy enough to make for your scale. Here is for the British guns.
I love the chart for 16th century English guns as I could never find a decent chart for that century, THANK YOU FOR POSTING!

The carriage above the chart looks to be a really good drawing of an18th century carriage as it is not the bed and bracket type and it clearly shows the front axle stay that came into use later in the 18th century.

Just as a side point some members might find interesting, the Hahn 18th century gun for ship models is pretty much a Borgard pattern gun which were only issued for about 8 years from 1716 to 1724 then replaced due to many problems with that design.

Thank you. kurt, Allan and Jim for your thorough posts-very complete and helpful. I will print and use the info. I understood some of the differences and idiosyncrases of 17-18 century naval guns, but not the details and complexity. It is a suject all of its own ! I just didn’t want to build a gun/carriage combination that was totally wrong in scale for the required size of gun. I am finishing up my HMS Alert (and La Courone also) builds. I plan to get updated cannon sets to make 9 pounders for Alert and want to make sure I order the correct size in mm to make 9 pounders At 1:48 scale.
Thanks again, and Merry Christmas to all.
I plan to get updated cannon sets to make 9 pounders for Alert
Alert 1754 or 1777? If the former, Armstrong pattern guns and carriages would be appropriate, if the latter, Armstrong Frederick patterns would be best. If you are OK with 3D printed barrels so you can get the exact pattern and size, please feel free to PM me with your email address and I can send you STL drawings that any printer can use to make you the correct pattern and size gun inexpensively.
I plan to get updated cannon sets to make 9 pounders for Alert and want to make sure I order the correct size in mm to make 9 pounders At 1:48 scale.

Alert, 1777 had never 9 pounders. She had originally 10x 4 pounders and later 12x 6 pounders (source: Winfield). From the Alert from 1754 I only know the Marshall painting and have until today not found other information. Armstrong Frederick pattern is in my opinion the best choice for a ship build in this period.
I literally just created a thread with one of the main purposes being guns for a display I’m working on. This may be precisely what I’m looking for!