Air brush paint area/booth

I will shortly need to make up some sort of paint 'booth' to do some air brush work. I did a quick search and found one but that one will not work for my needs as it used a shop vac and I no longer own one. At a previous home I just let the overspary from painting in my garage 'fly' but cannot do that now. Does anyone have some photos and a short description of how yours was made.
Hallo @Dave @W
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
ive jurry rigged a few booths for small jobs. one thing ive included... drape some material at the back to trap overspray. an old sheet is perfect. if you use a shop vac, have it behind the material so the vac doesnt suck paint.

btw ive switched all my painting to acrilics or latex... no voc to worry about.
This is an all-purpose fume cupboard / spray booth I built in my workshop from melamine coated particle board - the kind used for making kitchen cabinets. The kitchen=type extractor fan is out of sight behind the top panel which has a speed controller for the fan.- the extractor pipe goes through a window on the right. There is a flash-proof tube light in the top. The front glazing is 3mm polycarbonate (Lexan) and the lower panel slides upwards as much as is required.

fume final 006.JPG
This is an all-purpose fume cupboard / spray booth I built in my workshop from melamine coated particle board - the kind used for making kitchen cabinets. The kitchen=type extractor fan is out of sight behind the top panel which has a speed controller for the fan.- the extractor pipe goes through a window on the right. There is a flash-proof tube light in the top. The front glazing is 3mm polycarbonate (Lexan) and the lower panel slides upwards as much as is required.

Very nicely done - I only wish I had the space in this little place (duplex/semi detached in UK terms) we live in now.
Really depends on often you need to use one. I have built my own with vents, etc., but didn't use it much. Just took up space. So, I opted for a cardboard box and opened the window. I was worried about overspray and not vapors. I use a moving box from Home Depot, fold it up when not in use.