American Enterprise

Jul 9, 2018

Bonita Springs, Florida
I've started to build the American Enterprise (52") since the Great Republic is at a stand still waiting for supplies. The AE kit is a Dumas kit that I've had for about 27 years and started about ten years ago. I had so much trouble with the kit plywood delaminating that I stuck it all in the box and set it aside. Now I've drug it out and started on it again and this time I'll finish it if I live long enough. the last three days have been spent regluing all the places where the outer laminate has come loose. This is very fragile stuff per layer but strong enough for the boat when it's all together correctly. So far the keels and bulkheads are together and they do build up right with the hull shape looking ok. However there are parts that look alike but that are really different so it's easy to get them mixed up and do something wrong. If anyone has a build for this ship please don't hesitate to post your criticisms and or tips for this construction. The printed diagrams would benefit greatly from three or four cross sections but none have been provided except for the cabin itself. The directions are iffy at best and could very well use the cross sections to make the job more understandable.
Anyway here are a few pics of the work so far. Working on the chine now and then the outside covers which are large pieces of 1/8th wood covering large areas at one time and not individual planks. After that will start the incorporation of the engines and shafts into the hull while it's all open. Not a lot to look at yet. All the little clamps are holding laminate parts to the core layer where it all came loose. I suspect I'll be doing a lot more of this type work in the future.
Incidentally the last I heard of the real AE is that it is working out of some port down in Mississippi and still being used as a supply boat but then, that was ten years ago. Don't know anything since then. If you know more, please let us know here. Norgale









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