Candelaria by Occre 1:85 - Firstbuil

Got the forecastle deck planked, but not before getting a cut on my cuticle and not realizing it... when you're on blood thinners, a little cut goes a LONG way. Now I can literally say there is a bit of me in this ship... ROTF Also found the kit's first real mistake... the two small notches on the front of the deck are supposed to fit the legs of the belfry. Of course, they don't fit... first scratch build on the punch-list.


Are those toothpicks? If not what are they and can they be purchased at Amazon or a USA store.
I'll also be watching with great interest because I just ordered the Occre La Candelaria for my first build. I'm doing a lot of research to help prepare me for the build.
By the way, has anyone found historical references or books on the Candelaria?

The only thing I could find about her online was that she was the lead ship in the Spanish treasure fleet of 1622 that was hit by a hurricane after departing Cuba, and lost a good number of the heavily laden ships... one of which was the Atocha, made famous by Mel Fisher back in the 70's.
Frank, nice job with the treenails! Magic Mike
Are those toothpicks? If not what are they and can they be purchased at Amazon or a USA store.

Thank you! And yes, those are toothpicks from Amazon... an Olha influence already appearing. After cutting them off, run them across the disc sander to resharpen & reuse. And the back end of these particular toothpicks will be very handy to trim off and use for clew lines.

Here is where I am with my La Candelaria. I am doing my best to follow the John Aliprantis video. IF you notice, I had to make my own stand from a cardboard box as this model does not include a stand. It was easy to make but did take about an hour or so.

Very nice... I notice your belfry fit the forecastle deck, or did you have to modify? And good idea with the cardboard stand... nice pliable surface to work from. I was going to get a hardwood stand built after doing my planking, but I was worried about scratching/dinging it up. Thanks for the idea!
Hi Frank W. Coincidently, by accident, working too fast and just plain forgetfulness, I never noticed and cut those notches when I did the planking on that deck. So, I had to cut the notches by hand fitting the belfry and it fit perfect. I had no idea that the original notches did not match up. Sometimes you just get lucky.

La Candelaria 09-18-2023 j .jpg
Moving right along Frank & looking real good. I also like your cardboard stand.
Also, if you go back to my post #13 I got the link to work. It shows another description of the Candelaria along with a sreies of photos. Not sure if you seen this.
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Progress update since last weekend:

Got the quarterdeck planked, trimmed, and a test fit on the skeleton. The photos sure make the nails look much bigger than they are to the naked eye... they almost look cartoonishly out of proportion, but they look OK to me IRL.

I was going to assemble the wheel structure since it's on the main deck tucked up under the front of the quarterdeck, and I plan on having steering ropes coming down off of the spindle into the deck, so I wanted to pre-locate the holes. However, the wheel for this thing is a mess... much more than I want to try & clean up on this tiny little piece. The two halves of the molds were obviously way off during casting, and this is more than just a little flashing to clean up. Also, I know they try to keep costs down, but I was a bit disappointed that this has a pot-metal bell instead of a brass one... In anybody's opinion, what's a reputable place to pick up quality aftermarket ship parts?

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Frank, don't get frustrated with the toothpicks! The end result of the treenails will be awesome! You are doing great! Magic Mike

Not frustrated at all... I'm quite enjoying the deckwork!! It's just sitting at the disc sander re-sharpening all those little buggers.... ARGHH. LOL !!
Hi Frank. In my kit (La Candelaria) it looks like there are a lot more .6mm x 5mm sycamore boards then needed. These are the boards for the deck & 15 for the bulwarks. I mean maybe twice as many boards then needed. Is that the case for your kit? If so it gives me plenty of boards to experiment with staining. It just seems odd Occre would provide so much extra material. Al.
I just toke an inventory & found 38 more boards then needed.
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Yes they did. I noticed that and was scouring through the prints & instructions to make sure I wasn't missing anything, but yeah, there's a lot of extra plank pieces.
Update for the week:

I had done some test swatches of color for the deck planks, and when I did those, the Sepia looked pretty good, until I did it in "full size" on the mortar deck... see post #20. It came out much darker & redder than I anticipated. The photo doesn't really show that it looks more like a redwood. this had been nagging at me, so I decided to put some rough grit on the palm sander, grind it down & replank it. I decided to go with an oak, which IMO looks much better, however in pictures it looks much more yellow than it does IRL.
