Cat o' one tail

As a physician, I had my reservations about whether oral antibiotics would work... Based on the picture you posted I would have thought IV antibiotics would have been my first choice for cellulitis... That's why I asked what kind of bug juice they gave you. I am glad it's better now and you got good care
Thanks for your interest. I have handed back the ineffective abx tablets but cannot find anything in my patient records to identify them
I wish you worked in the Dorchester A&E; I might be further recovered by now.
Thanks for your interest. I have handed back the ineffective abx tablets but cannot find anything in my patient records to identify them
I wish you worked in the Dorchester A&E; I might be further recovered by now.
If you have one still laying around... Take a Pic and maybe we could identify it
... But cellulitis like that almost always requires intravenous antibiotics in my experience.
When our cat recently died a neighbour's cat took over his patch. (every square foot of England is owned by a cat). When I tried to make friends with it the bugger bit me. 12 hours later I am in A&E (long wait!) to get given some antibiotic tablets. My swollen hand is useless for shipbuilding though I have just found that I can laboriously tie a ratline. Useful occupational therapy during recovery. I suppose it hides the unsightly veins on the back of my paws.
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Hope you’re feeling better by now! Typical me, late to the party.Was the infection ever identified? As a child I had cat scratch fever (it’s not just a song title ) but I recall my Popeye-esque swollen arm had diminished greatly a day after being given that god-awful banana flavoured penicillin cure-all.

Let us at least admire the usefulness of feline crew members throughout history in controlling rodent populations on many a ship.
My cat pees on the laundry in my travel bag the night before I have to make a work trip out of the State for a week. This is the third time now! :mad:
so you will not forget her - The cat I had 15 years ago did it in the same way...... CATs are special