Copper tiles - CA glue alternative

I also had a problem with CA glue until someone on this site told me about Bob Smith Industries Super Gold CA glue, I'm not sure the reason but this glue does not make my throat close up or burn my nostrils or cause me to sneeze for days on end. It is a little more expensive than other CA glues but it has worked for me. I would try it if I were you. They have a website and the information about the glue can be found on the site. The black top is for gap filling and the white is thin. 1720886086887.png
I am so, so thankful for this thread. I too have developed an intense reaction to CA glue vapour. It seems like I almost instantly go into a combination of stuffed up nose (swollen nasal membrane) combined with non-stop nose running. It lasts for the better part of a week before I'm back to normal, and given that I'm also a CPAP user, it means I go through a week's worth of really bad quality sleep with lots of apnea events. Ugly situation. I've had limited success using an expensive chemical vapour filtration mask, but as others have noted, they're hard to wear along with glasses. So anything that can let me continue my hobby without the horrible side effects will be a godsend. Now at least it appears I have some options, and even if the costs are high, it will be more than worth it (IMHO). It's a quality of life and quality of hobby satisfaction scenario.
I have never had any allergy problems with cyanoacrylic glue, but certainly the smell of fumes can be annoying.
I can report how I handle the use of this type of glue.
First of all I use a glue distributed in Italy, also on Amazon, called COLLA 21, which in my opinion is significantly better than that of Loctite. Here is the link to Amazon:

I also regularly use micro tips for glue bottles, like these found on Amazon

In this way I obtain a minimum consumption of glue, no perceptible fumes development and the glue can be positioned exactly where needed, with extreme precision.
I hope I was helpful.
I used Weldwood Contact Cement on my ESSEX model and saved some samples from over 50 years ago. The plates are impossible to remove from the substrate. If you can reference the NRG Shopnotes, Vol II Chapter 13, you can read my article on the "how to" of coppering. NOTE: do not use water based contact Cement, only the nasty chemical based glue.
I have never had any allergy problems with cyanoacrylic glue, but certainly the smell of fumes can be annoying.
I can report how I handle the use of this type of glue.
First of all I use a glue distributed in Italy, also on Amazon, called COLLA 21, which in my opinion is significantly better than that of Loctite. Here is the link to Amazon:

I also regularly use micro tips for glue bottles, like these found on Amazon

In this way I obtain a minimum consumption of glue, no perceptible fumes development and the glue can be positioned exactly where needed, with extreme precision.
I hope I was helpful.
Trust me, when you develop a sensitivity to CA glue, it takes next to nothing to trigger a strong reaction. I too use micro tips that I purchased off Amazon (I think it was a bag of a hundred). They're great, because not only do they provide a small dispensing tip, but they reach a long ways into where you need to apply the glue. However, even with the use of the tips, as soon as I'm exposed to vapours from the curing glue, I know I'm in trouble. Personally, I'm gong to try out the Bob Smith Industries Super Gold product, as its something I can readily source from a local hobby shop