Aug 22, 2022

Does anyone know a resource for painting the cast figures of the Corel WASA model? The best things I have found are the build guides from de Agostini's version which is a larger scale and its fittings are not consistent with Corel's fittings. Corel's instruction sheet is no help as it does not mention the fittings.
Corel's kit is from back when it was presumed the figures were unpainted so I doubt if you'll find instructions. I think if you get the tones correct you could make a reasonable attempt at it though!

That is an example of the Corel kit with painted figures...

For Dockattner: I am at the stage where I am starting to plank my WASA. The instructions are poor at best. The first 4 strips are "designed" to set the openings for the cannons. The material for creating the cannon openings is soft basswood (or equivalent) routed in the shape of a "C." This is way to fragile a type of wood for this application as it breaks aggravatingly easy when sawing off 20mm chunks for the openings. Did you use another material and if so what? Did yous start with a solid piece of stock and route/dado that stock to use in place of that terrible choice by the Corel company? I am very temped to buy a length of [ine, poplar or even maple to use in the step. It will be far sturdier than that piece of basswood. Any suggestions? There is also a designation of "TI" for a selection of wood but no indication in the instructions as to the type. I can only assume this is Tanganica as that is the material I have used for the first planking in 5 previous dbl plank on bulkhead kits.
I planked everything using the kit supplied wood and then cut in gun ports afterwards:



I then lined the gunports:


And then used pear veneer...


Does that help? Please follow-up if I failed to answer your questions...
These comments and photos are VERY helpful. Thanks. I'll let you know how my efforts to mill those two pieces of "U" channel work out. I will probably use my router table to mill it than trying my table saw. I'm using poplar and it should be much sturdier when I cut out the individual gun port sections.
I planked everything using the kit supplied wood and then cut in gun ports afterwards:



I then lined the gunports:


And then used pear veneer...


Does that help? Please follow-up if I failed to answer your questions..
I like your base. What did you use as a template for the cradles? The drawing for the frames? I need to do that for the finished version of my HMS VICTORY as well as the WASA.