Craft 145 a Japanese pull saw

Remember what Uwe said!

...If you cut your model in half (?) or more than 2 parts, it MUST be a successful cut, otherwise...oh....well...then you will be a member of another group UHCSA (Unsuccessful Half-Cut Saw Association). :cool:

...there are so many groups to be part of :pROTF

P.S. BTW, besides cutting the models in half, plenty of other uses exist for this Japanese pull saw. ;)
So I'm guessing a chainsaw cut is unacceptable. :cool: I'm sure if I hadn't sold my chainsaw when we left the farm in 2019, my Medea might have become firewood by now...
So I'm guessing a chainsaw cut is unacceptable. :cool: I'm sure if I hadn't sold my chainsaw when we left the farm in 2019, my Medea might have become firewood by now...
Thanks, Ian. It will depend on the scale you are building. I guess if you are building in scale 1:5, then a chainsaw would be an appropriate 'Japanese' saw. ;) ROTFROTF
If the HCSA is the "Half-Cut Saw Association" then it is a vague title?
Does the saw cut go right through the model? if so it is a "Whole Cut Saw Association"
If the cut ges from the Main Deck to the Gundeck thenit is the "Half Cut Saw Association"
However should the saw cut go across the Beam or along the fore-aft Centreline of the ship?
There are many cvariations on this theme which makes quaifying difficult to define.

There is of course one method that ensures the qualification will be unambiguous.
The applicant drinks four pints or two litres of strong beer then saws the model in half.
They will certainly be "Half Cut" when sawing the model and automatically qualify.
Sadly they will forever regret thier actions ans the modle will not sit level in the display cabinet!
Nuff Said!
Just buy the saw if you want one.
Greetings folks, a new tool in my shipyard I would like to share. Unlike other Japanese saws, this one is relatively inexpensive and the same quality we expect from those types of saw. It comes with a protective sleeve (plastic holster), and teeth protective cover. The blade is 0.40mm thick and flexible. I did some cuts and can prove it's sharpness. Highly recommend! On Amazon, it cost $14.25

View attachment 452587

P.S. With this purchase, am I entitled to be a member of the HCSA (Half-Cut Saw Association)? :p

Got mine yesterday. Thank you for the tip Jimsky !!!
When I was 6 years old, my father was stationed in Japan (1951). He bought one of these saws, probably out of curiosity. It turned out the be the perfect saw for a 6 year old. In fact, I have never learned to use a push saw properly and do not own one. For a while in the 1970’s, they were hard to find here in the US. That is no longer true. The pull saws are much easier to saw a straight line. On the larger ones, they have a rip blade on one edge and a crosscut blade on the other. I have 3 or 4 of them of various sizes. I use them for all of my woodwork from cutting 2x4’s to miniature work.