Fair American Kit ("SOLD")

Sep 9, 2017

Fredericksburg, VA
The Lauck Street Shipyard kit “Fair American” by Bob Hunt is available from James Marx. His telephone number is 832-928-7412. He said to call him concerning interest.
After looking online it looks like this company sells practicums for model building not the model kits. Perhaps the "Fair American" is a practicum for building?
He has online practicums now still, but he did sell a select high quality kits for several models.

I believed his kits were based on the listed practicums, not sure. I just know they are high end stuff most of time.

Last kit from him sold way above my pay grade!
I bought one of Bob's Fair American Kits back in late 90's? Early 2000's? Very nice kit I paid about $500 I think back then.... Makes a beautiful model -Cherry framing and lots of top quality woods and fittings with the practicum included. Still worth at least that much.... I'd probably go to 600 or so if I were in the market for another one.... This is one from the Completed models in the gallery here on SoS

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I couldn't believe it when the seller said he just wanted kit to go to good hands.

Asking only shipping costs for sending me the kit!

He has moved from US Gulf Coast of Texas to inland smaller house and is downsizing collection and said kit was too complex for his ability. He started on keel and one frame and stopped several years ago.

Good thing I called, I was expecting to just get a very high cost for the sale of kit alone.

I will cherish this kit for long time.
The Lauck Street Shipyard kit “Fair American” by Bob Hunt is available from James Marx. His telephone number is 832-928-7412. He said to call him concerning interest.
Many Thanks to @danielsje for posting this and also from my side to James Marx to make this possible.

I couldn't believe it when the seller said he just wanted kit to go to good hands.
Asking only shipping costs for sending me the kit!
I will cherish this kit for long time.
So Kurt - we expect later on a building log of this model !!!!