Greeting from Western Australia

May 7, 2023

Not new at this model ship gig by any means but still learning from every build and others experiences and my own setbacks, work arounds and triumphs. People often ask me where my patients comes from and how do we complete these complex and mind bending machines of the sea. My answer is easy, just look at each bit as new challenge and don’t look to far down the track. Solve one problem at a time and don’t be afraid to go back and do it again, time does not matter and the wood is patient. Currently waiting for my new challenge Sergals Sovereign of the Seas. Last build was the San Felipe which was a wonderful build.
Not new at this model ship gig by any means but still learning from every build and others experiences and my own setbacks, work arounds and triumphs. People often ask me where my patients comes from and how do we complete these complex and mind bending machines of the sea. My answer is easy, just look at each bit as new challenge and don’t look to far down the track. Solve one problem at a time and don’t be afraid to go back and do it again, time does not matter and the wood is patient. Currently waiting for my new challenge Sergals Sovereign of the Seas. Last build was the San Felipe which was a wonderful build.
Hallo @linton
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY