Greetings from Maine

Feb 3, 2024

Hi, All-
Just discovered this fantastic forum... retired US Navy Chief ET, DOD ATC Systems Tech, soon to retire finally and firmly from 6 years with Wayfair as a Front LIne Customer Service Rep!
Have dabbled a bit in ship modelling in the past, giving it a 2nd look in trying to decide what to do with myself when I finally and fully retire in a couple of months!
Welcome and congratulations on retirement. I too just recently retired and moved to Winthrop ME. Is that anywhere near you? One of the ways I’ve been keeping myself busy is building a 42” long wooden tug boat kit (plastic hull). Great way to keep busy and keep your mind sharp. Lots of challenges and satisfaction with model building.

Welcome aboard, MarTay6.
I was born & raised in Gardiner Maine. I haven't lived there since I got out of the Navy in 1970. Still have family scattered around the state. I am working on a scale model of a a Maine lobster boat that I actually got to work on a few times in 1950's - 1960's.
Happy Modeling.
Hi, All-
Just discovered this fantastic forum... retired US Navy Chief ET, DOD ATC Systems Tech, soon to retire finally and firmly from 6 years with Wayfair as a Front LIne Customer Service Rep!
Have dabbled a bit in ship modelling in the past, giving it a 2nd look in trying to decide what to do with myself when I finally and fully retire in a couple of months!
I don’t know if you saw this deal. Buy the model shipways dory kit, build it (beginner level)send them a picture and they will apply the full amount to your next purchase.
Not surprising to find Mainers here- with the seafaring history of Maine! I'm in Winterport- about 10 miles south of Bangor... about 80 miles north of Winthrop- and just a bit further from Gardiner... Model Shipways is in Searsport, a great shop to visit and drool!
Not surprising to find Mainers here- with the seafaring history of Maine! I'm in Winterport- about 10 miles south of Bangor... about 80 miles north of Winthrop- and just a bit further from Gardiner... Model Shipways is in Searsport, a great shop to visit and drool!
Oh, you’re talking about Blue Jacket in Searsport? Are they affiliated with Model Shipways?

Your hull on this model you showed is gorgeous!

I grew up in South Thomaston, ME, 32 ft from the high water mark on Waterhman's Beach road. Our family knew George Kittridge (designer of the 1-man submarine). We lived only a few doors from Harold (Dynamite) Payson, known for his Payson dory and other easy full-size boat plans, as well as models. My dad built Monhegan skiffs, after retirement, for the local Lobster Buoy Campsite! I just started building boat/ship models in August of 2022 and wished I had paid more attention in Dynamite's and Dad's boat building shops.

Finished the Model Shipways dory x2 (one in classic colors and one painted to look weathered like the 2 Dynamite had put in the field, built for a Chicago restaurant, that never paid.) I am getting ready to mail one to one of Dynamite's nieces who has been a best friend since play dates before starting kindergarten--but we are still aged 29--LOL!

I decided to start building models because I have RA and felt it would be another hobby to keep the gnarled paws moving without RX. Although a challenge feeling, holding, and learning how to use reverse tweezers for small parts and rigging, I'm 'getting' it! Smile. (Haven't had to use RX for 38 years by knitting/crocheting and now models, to keep the paws and fingers moving!)

Be Blessed!
Kayak Girl