Hasselter Aak - Esc 1:60 Scratch [Completed Build]

Apr 29, 2020

Lima, Peru
As far as possible, I will deliver a model of the boats that I made recently. Now I present to you a transport boat from the Flanders area, it is:

Hasselter Aak

It is a type of sailing transport barge, used in Flanders, with lengths that varied between 15 and 25 meters, initially they were made of wood and at the beginning of the last century they began to be built of steel with an engine. Its main characteristics are the flat bottom and ease of navigation through shallow channels.

Hasselter Aak (Netherlands, Flanders)
Type: Sailing barge
Function: Transport ship
Length: 23.89 m (398 mm)
Beam: 5.10 m (85 mm)
Depth: 2.34 m (39 mm)
Total Length: 30.99m (516 mm)
Total height: 19.86 m (331 mm)
Scale: 1/60
Completion date: February 2021

The model presented is based on a drawing by G. Schaich (1942) and in the absence of further details I tried to follow the characteristics of the first barges, using photographs and film information from the Internet of similar barges. Simplifying, I inserted the plan file (jpg) into Autocad and redraw the lines obtaining the general lines for the false keel, deck and frames, consolidate them and print them in PDF and send the resulting file to be laser cut on a plywood sheet. of 3mm. The rest of the dimensions (length and diameter of mast, gaff and booms), etc. I obtained them directly by measuring in Autocad and drew them by hand in a workbook.

Greater detail, references and photos of the construction phase and the finished model can be seen on my blog:

Modelismo Naval: Mi colección (modelismonavaljoseruesta.blogspot.com)
Modelismo Naval: Cap. 6 "Hasselter Aak" (modelismonavaljoseruesta.blogspot.com)























A very interesting ship model and very well done
Interesting also that in Peru such a type of vessel is build ....... Thumbsup
Nice build José!
For your info: The Hasselter aak is a Dutch ship, originally built in the region around the city of Hasselt in the Netherlands.
There could be some confusion about the ship's origin, because there is a city with the same name
in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium) too.
Only 3 shipyards, in Dedemsvaart and Zwartsluis (small towns near Hasselt) built these ships.
Around 40 ships of this type were built from the early 1920's to the 1940's
They were used for transport of peat and agriculture products on the nearby rivers in the Netherlands, but never in Belgium.
The aak did have a limited range because of having no place to live/sleep on board.
There are many variations of the type aak, all named after their place of origin,
for example IJsselaak, Sliedrechtse aak, Lemsteraak (now still being built as luxury sailing yachts), and many more.

I'm curious..how did you find out about the aak and decided to build one in Peru?!

'm curious..how did you find out about the aak and decided to build one in Peru?!
Hello John, actually since the 80s I have traveled to Netherlands several times, whether for tourism or business and in the 90s I spent two months at The Hague in a negotiation with Shell, so spend my weekends in short tourist excursions observing their ships so singular. A lot of years later, I start this hobby, it occurred to me to make a ship model of that country. From the Netherlands I made this Hasselter Aak, also a Damlooper.
Since I have one daughter living in Sweden and the other in Germany, I made some models for my grandchildren. For my swedish grandsons I made a Gunship and a Pajama; and for my German granddougthers a Ziegelkahn and a Quatze; Of couse from my country I have several models that I will gladly include soon in this forum. I have a blog and there you can see the models I have made.

Modelismo Naval: Mi colección (modelismonavaljoseruesta.blogspot.com)
Hej José! How interesting.. I spent some nice time perusing your blog; quite an eclectic collection of models you've built!
It's great to 'meet' people from all over the world who share the passion and fascination for all to do with boats!
Fyi, I am actually Dutch, and now live in Sweden too;-)

Looking forward to seeing more of your models here,
take care, John