Hello From Bonnie Scotland

Jun 4, 2024

Hello I have just joined the group thank you. My name is Tom and i live with my family near Aberdeen. My lifelong passion has been modelmaking, I enjoy working with wood and I have for some years been thinking about attempting a scale model of a Steam Herring Drifter. To be honest its the planking that has put me off, my wife bought me a model of the Thermopyylae, Cutty Sarks sister ship which I started to plank then panicked.

The Formidable plans available are too big for me as I don't have a workshop I was hoping to build a model about 2 foot long. Ive just ordered Ted Frost's book
from the library It will be here Saturday and I'm excited.


Hello I have just joined the group thank you. My name is Tom and i live with my family near Aberdeen. My lifelong passion has been modelmaking, I enjoy working with wood and I have for some years been thinking about attempting a scale model of a Steam Herring Drifter. To be honest its the planking that has put me off, my wife bought me a model of the Thermopyylae, Cutty Sarks sister ship which I started to plank then panicked.

The Formidable plans available are too big for me as I don't have a workshop I was hoping to build a model about 2 foot long. Ive just ordered Ted Frost's book
from the library It will be here Saturday and I'm excited.


The first and last days of planking a project are always exciting days for me....
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum
Hello I have just joined the group thank you. My name is Tom and i live with my family near Aberdeen. My lifelong passion has been modelmaking, I enjoy working with wood and I have for some years been thinking about attempting a scale model of a Steam Herring Drifter. To be honest its the planking that has put me off, my wife bought me a model of the Thermopyylae, Cutty Sarks sister ship which I started to plank then panicked.

The Formidable plans available are too big for me as I don't have a workshop I was hoping to build a model about 2 foot long. Ive just ordered Ted Frost's book
from the library It will be here Saturday and I'm excited.


Welcome from Charlotte North Carolina! I was worried about the planking also when I started. What I found was just take it a plank at a time and patience is your friend. You will learn as you go. I read a couple of books on it before starting my first. It helps a lot.
Hoy, Welcome aboard mate. You have chosen one heck of a model to start with! May I recommend for your first few hulls is, DON'T WORRY about accurate planking! Just get whatever planking you can on it and fill all gaps with wood filler/putty. Sand it smooth. Fair the entire hull with filler/putty and sand it smooth. Paint the hull and forget about proper planking. Relax my friend, there is nothing wrong about having a smooth faired painted hull. Build the model, learn about the rigging of a Clipper Ship. Do you know what a Moon Raker sail is? Its 5he small square sail at the very top of the main mast! Thermopoly (sp) is one of the few ships that has that sail.
Hello I have just joined the group thank you. My name is Tom and i live with my family near Aberdeen. My lifelong passion has been modelmaking, I enjoy working with wood and I have for some years been thinking about attempting a scale model of a Steam Herring Drifter. To be honest its the planking that has put me off, my wife bought me a model of the Thermopyylae, Cutty Sarks sister ship which I started to plank then panicked.

The Formidable plans available are too big for me as I don't have a workshop I was hoping to build a model about 2 foot long. Ive just ordered Ted Frost's book
from the library It will be here Saturday and I'm excited.


Welcome Tom.
I don’t know if you are aware of the many books and plans available at Brown Son & Ferguson in Darnley Street, Glasgow. Charles Underhill’s books Plank on Frames Vol 1& 2 are very good guidance as well.
Brgds Mike.
Thank you all very much for the warm welcome, I am really pleased to be in such good company. Thank you James and Mike for the advice. I now have Ted Frost's Book on the Building of Formidable unfortunately the plans are really small and difficult to read. The full size model plans are way to large and I would have to get them reduced all of which is
Hi Tom and welcome to the forums. My wife is of Scottish heritage and she wants me to build the Scottish fishing boat Fifie. Are you familiar with it? Magic Mike
Hello I have just joined the group thank you. My name is Tom and i live with my family near Aberdeen. My lifelong passion has been modelmaking, I enjoy working with wood and I have for some years been thinking about attempting a scale model of a Steam Herring Drifter. To be honest its the planking that has put me off, my wife bought me a model of the Thermopyylae, Cutty Sarks sister ship which I started to plank then panicked.

The Formidable plans available are too big for me as I don't have a workshop I was hoping to build a model about 2 foot long. Ive just ordered Ted Frost's book
from the library It will be here Saturday and I'm excited.


Hi. Tom.. My name is John from Australia.I have been making scratch built ships for over 15 years. I ran into the problem of size long ago. Then I realised I could ‘shrink’ the plans down to any size I wanted by taking the originals to a ‘plan printing shop’. None of my ships is more than 2ft long….and I can construct them on a simple bench in my garage, with simple tools. I can bend the planks easily by steeping them in a milk bottle of hot water for 30minutes or so, A bit of trial and error will get you going. What’s the worst that can happen?? You might break a plank or have to re-cut a part…it’s all good. Regards Woronora River.