Hello from Raleigh NC USA

May 7, 2015
Raleigh, NC
I'm new to ship building and I'm hooked. I started with an easy Captain Kidd plastic build, and learning a whole new world with ship building. There will be tons of questions being asked in the future so take it easy on me......ha
Welcome SkippersWheel, one never stops learning. In fact I have learned that much since joining the forum that I may have to start another three models so that I can put it all into practice, seriously tho', never be afraid to ask no matter how trivial you may think the question.
We will look forward to your build/s.
Welcome aboard. This hobby is so complex, that no question is considered silly even if it seems so. It took years to perfect anything involved in ship building and what seems right and logical today was no not so the further back in history you go. Failures is what caused success. I think Edison said that he did not have 25,000 failures but only learned that these were not the answers and lead him to finding what would work. The same applies here. So if in doubt, ask away.
Welcome SkippersWheel !!
Well, how about that. I started my first build as the Captain Kidd Plastic as well. Well, actually, now that I think about it - I have to back up and say that the Jolly Roger was the first, then Captain Kidd. Then I started with the Wooden Solid Hull Model Shipways Colonial Schooner "Sultana".

The most absolute beginning about 25 years ago was an attempt at the Bluenose Schooner of which I just gave up on. I can't count that one as a build. Making all those Scuppers in the side of boat just burned me out. At the time I did not realize that the art of ship building was that of commitment and time. I think I was looking for a quick turn around and a lot of the understanding of wooden ship modeling was over my head. Besides at that time there were no forums (that I could think of, nor at the time even thought about finding a forum). All of that just was not in my head, plus not really understanding all the instructions. I remember just like yesterday that the instructions wanted me to make a "fashion piece" to fit on the transom. Didn't happen because I just could not grasp it all at the time.

Sorry for all the story, but I am glad that you joined and you are at the right place because you are reading a post from the same guy that got stuck with that Bluenose model and now I wanted to create a forum for others to have a place to go to for help. I also wanted to create a friendly place so that folks will feel comfortable bringing their models and questions without fear or intimidation. The way I feel about it is that everyone had to start with their first model....mistakes and all...whether they admit it or not.

Enjoy !
Welcome aboard Skipper.

I too started out with a plastic model, the Revell USS Constitution. I have also built plastic model airplanes and military vehicles when I was much younger. But, I like working with wood better. At least so far.

Back when I started, there was not much available and wood models were almost impossible to even get any information about them until the late 60's when I moved to Seattle. There I bought my first wood model from Norstroms. A Billings kit of the Vasa that was pretty terrible and nothing like what the revised Billing Vasa was like now. In the 70's, after moving back to California, Some wood model shops got started and I found out about Model Shipways, Mantua and Mamoli. Thus, I built many Revel ships including the Cutty Sark and Constitution.
Bluenose Stern Fashion Piece

Back in 2015, I see that you talked about the stern fashion piece that is supposed to on the Bluenose. You said that at the time you were doing the model (I think when you were a teenager), you could not figure out how to do the fashion piece. I am currently working on the Bluenose by ModelShipWays, and am trying to figure out how to make the fashion piece for both sides of the stern transom. Did you ever figure this out. Or did anyone else who has perhaps done the Bluenose???????<br/>
Help - and thank you.<br/>
Boone, NC</t>
I never got around to completing the BN II. I think there is a build log somewhere on this forum that discusses the BN.

