Welcome SkippersWheel !!
Well, how about that. I started my first build as the Captain Kidd Plastic as well. Well, actually, now that I think about it - I have to back up and say that the Jolly Roger was the first, then Captain Kidd. Then I started with the Wooden Solid Hull Model Shipways Colonial Schooner "Sultana".
The most absolute beginning about 25 years ago was an attempt at the Bluenose Schooner of which I just gave up on. I can't count that one as a build. Making all those Scuppers in the side of boat just burned me out. At the time I did not realize that the art of ship building was that of commitment and time. I think I was looking for a quick turn around and a lot of the understanding of wooden ship modeling was over my head. Besides at that time there were no forums (that I could think of, nor at the time even thought about finding a forum). All of that just was not in my head, plus not really understanding all the instructions. I remember just like yesterday that the instructions wanted me to make a "fashion piece" to fit on the transom. Didn't happen because I just could not grasp it all at the time.
Sorry for all the story, but I am glad that you joined and you are at the right place because you are reading a post from the same guy that got stuck with that Bluenose model and now I wanted to create a forum for others to have a place to go to for help. I also wanted to create a friendly place so that folks will feel comfortable bringing their models and questions without fear or intimidation. The way I feel about it is that everyone had to start with their first model....mistakes and all...whether they admit it or not.
Enjoy !