Thanks Daniel. When we were seeking to buy a new house, the main criterium was that there must be enough room for a good hobbyroom. And when we saw this house, immediately we bought it. No matter in which condition the other rooms were. Fortunately they were very nice too, so no need for major reparations.
And when I still was working, I was investing to power tools like lathe, milling machine and cnc router, because I knew that after retirement I don't have possibility to buy them any more. Now I am very happy that I did so.
I like very much your idea to build your own launch, whether it is steam or electrically powered. I think your launch is big enough to accommodate all necessary equipment, so go for it! And please start a building blog here, it would be nice to follow how it is progressing.
I am also planning to start building of a beautiful open wooden launch for my next project. Not yet sure if it will have steam or electric drive. Anyway electric is so much simpler to handle, so it may be that it will have a fake steam engine but the main power is coming from a hidden electric motor. This might be an option for you too.
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