Hi all. I plan to build HMS Victory De-agostini kit.

Unfortunately I only have the set attached. Not sure if it can be made to fit
Hi all, thank you for allowing me join the group. I am returning to modelling after a few years now I have more time and a lot more patience! I have a kit of the De agostini 1/84 scale HMS Victory which I have inherited from my Dad who recently passed. He never had time to start the model so I have the whole kit to complete. I do have a problem which if anyone could help me with I will be very grateful. After checking the parts I have discovered that in issue 8 I have 2 copies of item No. 20 and am missing item No. 21. It looks like an error from De agostini when it was delivered. I have checked E-bay and other sites to find but have had no luck. I have also contacted De-agostini direct and they do not have the part available. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this issue or does anyone have this part that i could have a copy off? Many thanks for any help. Regards.
I'm now 7 years into building the same. If you try fitting 2 #20's you'll see if one is too wide or too narrow, then adjust by sanding or adding a thin strip. I would definately reccommend some after market parts from Woody's Model Works, well worth it. Especially the galleries & bow area. The kit as is leaves alot to be desired.


I suspect that these are motor powered. The sails do not appear to be doing anything and the ships are maneuvering without tacking.

Hallo and a warm welcome here on board of our forum
We will try to help and assist you, that you can build this complex model of the Victory.
Maybe best would be to start a building log so we can see your work and answer your questions and comment also when something was not so good
The missing part: When you will not find it somewhere we will help and assist you in making this from scratch - we have here a lot of members knowing of how to make spare parts etc.
I think I would make a photocopy of the 2 parts on the page that you posted and cut them out of the photocopy to see how close to each other they are. It looks like the center false keel slot is different, but just looking at them they appear to be identical otherwise. If that is the case, you can use the other #20 part to replace the missing #21.
Hi Jeff, I think I will try what you have suggested, not having any luck trying to find the part. I have tried the parts 21a & 21b to part 20 and there is a difference. They are a very tight fit and stick out about 2mm at the bottom edge but i should be able to build the edge up to match if i make a photocopy to use as a template. Thanks for the advise.
I suspect that these are motor powered. The sails do not appear to be doing anything and the ships are maneuvering without tacking.

Definitely RC vessels. If you look closely towards the end of the battles one of the ships whose masts were destroyed pops back into its original form. There is no way the reenactment could be accomplished with just wind and sails.