HMS Devonshire (D02)

are you certain on the lengths of the bilge keels as bilge keels 1 & 3 appear to be to long? look at the attachments about the focsle deck area.

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Not sure of anything. The only two images I can find of bilge keels agree with what I have put on, so that will have to do. Could only find one pic of the props on Glamorgan. I will correct the other two highlighted points, thanks.
Lovely and inspiring builds that I am looking at and the comments and pictures will be very helpful in my own build. When ever that will be re-started ... Here at the most southern point of Africa, we find it very difficult to have access (also read probably impossible) to all the detail sets that are available. Thus we have to make do. Often that means going old school. However, she will be 85% out of the box, and the sea slug or sea cat aft that was provided by Airfix will be the basis for some conversion to improve it a wee bit. At the moment the hull is painted ... and now she rests on the "need to finish this-shelve".
Well it has been a long intermission, filled by a Frog Sabre F86, four 28mm French Grenadier Guards and a 1/16 Viking. Butt I have returned (Douglad McArthur, Terminator ...?) and started with some work on the Devonshire the day before yeaterday. I am adding a few bits and bobs to the Sea Slug launcher. I am using 0.2mm wire to add some detail. The Devonshire will be 90% out of the box. I will up load some pictures later to illustrate what I am trying to do on the launcher. It is really good to be back.
Close to finished here. The WEM photo etch Sea Slug launcher was very tricky to assemble and in fact I left the small cross-bracings off after losing my rag with them. I should probably have cut them into smaller sections and then fitted them using something more forgiving than super-glue, e.g. PVA. I actually found PVA worked quite well for fitting the internal mesh sections of the Type 965 array. I've done this in the past and nothing has fallen apart so far, so fingers crossed. Note the added stowed embarkation ladders, scratch built life raft cannisters, and the scratch built Sea Cat launchers which are no doubt available as a 3D printed part, but I've made a few and they are relatively easy to create. Airfix have 4 models in their 1:600 range with this Sea Cat launcher, and the less said the better. They are all pretty awful but the ones on this model take the cake, being pretty much flat plates with 4 dimples on them. The gun director seen here is also scratch built. Quite a bit of finishing still to do, including the Wessex, for which Airfix supplied some nice looking tiny decals.

View attachment 461533
Hi Kiwi Kev, have you a thread of your own for your build of Devonshire? Your work looks very good.

Cheers JJ..
To KiwiKev....

Hi Kiwi Kev, have you a thread of your own for your build of Devonshire?
Your work looks very good. but it's very rude of you to (Cuckoo like) steal this thread from Ettienne.
Please give him common courtesy, put all your stuff in a thread of your own.
@KiwiKev I have moved your posts to your build log (link below). Please continue to post your images there.

Well I am back again. It has been a while. Work on the HMS Devonshire is still happening, but progress is slow. At times I loose interest in the project and then looking at some of the beautiful models on this site, some inspiration will get me going again.

This is a "out-of-the-box-build", well mostly (95%?) with some schratch-build additions here and there. I have got may things wrong on this model but will persevere and finish it. Perhaps the next ship will be better.

I am currently doing some paint work (brush paint) on the decks, and when that is done will tone the colours down a bit with some washes and then move on the the detail work. But we are getting there. Nice to be back on the site again.

HMS Devonshire A.jpg

HMS Devonshire B.jpg