HMS Diana 1:48 by Modelship Dockyard -Build log

Nov 1, 2021

china NanJING
HMS Diana is a Artois Class fifth rate frigate built in 1794 at Deptford Dockyard, to cope with the out break of war with France.
She have with 38 nominal guns, however she have acturally 28 of 18 pounders (gun deck), 4 of 9 pdrs, and 14 32 pdrs carronades.
As a frigate she have been to service in England waters, Mediterranean, West Indies, and South America. And have capetured several ships that mainly privateers. She was sold to the Dutch navy after war period in 1815.
Kit designed by Modelship Dockyard, based on the NMM drawings of the Artois class. This kit is currently only avaliable for tailor made as being limited by the production capacity.
Not sure about how I feel toward using so many resin parts for structural elements , especially on that large a model. Seems to oversimplify the process and make it more like a plastic kit. I’m sure many will disagree with me.
Not sure about how I feel toward using so many resin parts for structural elements , especially on that large a model. Seems to oversimplify the process and make it more like a plastic kit. I’m sure many will disagree with me.
They just make the hull more accurate and better aligned gunports ,also the resin will be covered with wooden planks so the resin won’t be visible at all,look the Pandora build logs

I understand your idea. In fact, I thought so before. It was not until I made Lexington that I changed my mind. The manufacturer's reply to me was very simple. If you want to restore it completely, why not make a POF model? Since POB has better effects, why not choose a simpler production method?
之前做过类似的1:48的POF模型,很早以前就完成了,现在想再做一次,感受一下新技术带来的便利。0dbde047ef181fb66e414a6f93665d8.jpg2017-09-07 16:47:27.jpg69e536da05921a6701693738f03f2f9.jpg

I have made a similar 1:48 POF model before, which was completed a long time ago. Now I want to make it again to experience the convenience brought by the new technology.
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Great progress - and when covered the appearance of the model is beautiful
I like this kit and model and cat and work very much

This is truly an interesting concept for a kit, and a first for me, thank you for sharing this. On the below, is there a reason you did not taper the knee of the head which would be reduced from about 13.5 inches" at the stem to 4 or 5 inches at the fore end for a 38 gun ship according to the Shipbuilder's Repository 1788 and Steel's Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture? With all the great detail you have included, I was surprised to see this missing as it is quite noticeable. I realize the cost to do this might be prohibitive but the model builder can easily taper this if the information is given in the instructions and the drawings and photos in the instructions show this.
Also, what is the dimension/thickness of B?
Artois class questions.PNG

This is truly an interesting concept for a kit, and a first for me, thank you for sharing this. On the below, is there a reason you did not taper the knee of the head which would be reduced from about 13.5 inches" at the stem to 4 or 5 inches at the fore end for a 38 gun ship according to the Shipbuilder's Repository 1788 and Steel's Elements and Practice of Naval Architecture? With all the great detail you have included, I was surprised to see this missing as it is quite noticeable. I realize the cost to do this might be prohibitive but the model builder can easily taper this if the information is given in the instructions and the drawings and photos in the instructions show this.
Also, what is the dimension/thickness of B?
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You are absolutely right, the bow and stern need to be gradually reduced, thank you for your reminder.