how do you post pictures

Aug 21, 2011

Phoenix, AZ
Morning all, not being very computer literate I can not see how to attach a picture to a post. I see about adding a poll question or opinion but not how to post a picture. Any help would be great.
Hi Joe,

well, this question has a few answers and I hope to address them. I apologize for at the moment, this forum will need to have some additional modifications done to it.
This program does need an additional "Plug-in" to allow for users to post images.
Do I plan to do this? At some point I am sure that I will. As a matter of fact, I have already read the program that allows for this, and it is quite involved.

For the time being, here is my suggestion:
Get an account with or some other photo hosting company. Upload your images there and this forum will be able to manage those images by pointing back to your photo hosting.

I know that this is not an easy way of doing things, but actually, me posting my images on an alternate photo hosting company yields the most flexibility. But, I also know that there are those that do not like this method and that is why since I launched this forum, have been studying the means for users to upload their own photos for their own convenience.

Please stay tuned and lets just say that I am working on it.

Would the photo album on my FaceBook page work as a photo host? Let me know if that would work and I will get you the information for that site.