Howdy from newbie Roscoe

Jan 15, 2024

Sobieski, WI
Hi, I am a new member and new to model shipbuilding (actually any kind of modeling).
I live in WI but started snow birding a few years ago, so I am currently in southern MS for the winter months.
I just retired and wanted to find a hobby that didn't require a lot of room or tools that I could bring along and use in our 5th wheel camper.
I am currently working on my first build the Lowell Grand Banks Dory.
So far I am enjoying this new hobby and I think this forum will help me when I have questions.
I am also new to posting in forums, I read a lot of different ones, but have never posted in one before.
I am hoping to figure out how to do a build log and show pictures of my progress.
Thanks for letting me join your party.
Dave, the model of the Grand Banks Dory is a very popular kit. Have fun and welcome to the south. Greetings from Texas, Magic Mike
Hello Dave, a warm welcome aboard.
If you want advice for figuring out how to make a build log etc. you can visit the "Sos Tutorials and Videos". Very helpful.
Check out my build log...I spent the last three years working on my scratch build of HMS Serapis in our 5th wheel.
Serapis scratch build

Kind of a pain to break down the "shipyard' every 3-5 days when you move the trailer.

It will also monopolize a small part of your rig. I opted to use the dining room table. We at in our lounge chairs or outside (we moved the shipyard) when we had company.

Enjoy your next build!!
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum
you made already a good start in posting this introduction topic - a building log would be great and often a very good help
Check out my build log...I spent the last three years working on my scratch build of HMS Serapis in our 5th wheel.
Serapis scratch build

Brad, I looked thru your build and all I can say is WOW.... I am new to the modeling world and I never imagined people actually take a set of plans and build a model from them.. Your Serapis looks great. I have been dabbling with wood carving also and I can not believe how beautiful your carvings turned out for a first time. you are truly talented

I can see there is a wealth of information in these forums.

Brad, I looked thru your build and all I can say is WOW.... I am new to the modeling world and I never imagined people actually take a set of plans and build a model from them.. Your Serapis looks great. I have been dabbling with wood carving also and I can not believe how beautiful your carvings turned out for a first time. you are truly talented

I can see there is a wealth of information in these forums.

Set up a small plastic modeling/carving bin with all the tools you think you'll need. Pick another ship kit and enjoy you mobile shipyard!

Good luck.
Welcome to SOS - you will enjoy being here.
So, I am from Central MS.
Some of us can well sympathize with your angst over needing to break down the shipyard occasionally. I started my ship building hobby while on active duty Army. I moved way too often and thus learned how to keep everything portable. The hardest part was crating up partly finished models to transport to the next duty station. I am retired now and my greatest pleasure has been setting up a work area that I do not need to take apart. So welcome…we understand!
Welcome to SOS Dave, there is so many tutorials and help here on this site.