• Beginning at 5:00AM PST (13:00 UTC) on Friday February 14th, all services in the Los Angeles, California, USA Data Center will be offline to perform a Data Center Migration. Due to the nature of this migration, we anticipate up to 24 hours of downtime to safely complete this work. Please be patient during this time and thank you for being a valuable member of our community.

INFO It’s already over the 20.000 and counting...


Staff member
Forum Moderator
Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
We have reached the 1000 member mark. I want to explain something here. I do believe that as far as member per build logs RATIO is concerned, SOS is very active, alive and well. I skimmed over ALL the build logs and we have 69 "Active" logs going on at this moment. I used a 3 month algorithm due to the fact that a log that is active in my opinion is going to post withing that 3 month time frame. Now, this does not include logs past 3 months. I am saying ACTIVE logs that people are posting on a regular basis. If I were to go back to 4 months, of semi-active, the number would probably jump up to about 100 semi active logs.

I am very pleased with these statistics. This tells me that the hobby is growing and continues to thrive. It also says A LOT about the fine and great people here that loves what they do and loves to help others. People here put others first in helping as I remember myself my first wooden ship (Bluenose) got abandoned due to frustration. It was making all those scuppers along the hull that got me down. So, I set it to the side. It was many years that came back to the hobby, little did I understand the "Nature" of the hobby.

The "Nature" of this hobby encompasses so many attributes besides just the gluing and building. The "Nature" of the hobby includes the core thing and that is the people. Ships of Scale has seen a lot of misfortunes and celebrations. Babies born to families, modelers facing cancer, hard times and good times, and unfortunately the passing of some great friends.

We all have problems, some with handicaps, physical problems, but it is the workbench that brings us all together. It is my sincere prayer that all of us will continue with our faith to continue the love of the hobby and the love for each other.

No one is perfect, we have disagreements, but somehow that workbench seems to heal a lot of stress and bring us back together again. Remember that "He" is the one that is the ultimate Captain of our ship and brings true healing to us all.

Donald B. Driskell
I am happy to be a part of this friendship here in the forum.
Relatively new in this forum I was immediately part of this group of friendly and helpful modelers.
Donnie, many thanks for your words, which I can fully underline and confirm.
I see we are approaching the mark of doubling the membership and that is in months. There is no other site that can claim such a rapid growth.

thanks to the efforts of the staff and everyone who contributes to the site making this the top international site on the web.
Dave Remember the early days and the problems encountered, this is what I hoped would happen, completly HAPEILY SUPRISED at the quickness of the growth, and the diversity of projects most all contribute something to the site, very active, you remember my efforts to bring in overseas modelers, and a great helpfull place this turned into, CONGRAGALATIONS TO ALL. Don
Dear friends and members of SOS:

Today is the 23.rd day of the month.

During these days in month August more than 100 new members registered already in our forum......So in the last weeks 4 to 5 new members per day.
And we had this month already three days, when 10 or more new members registered during 24 hours.

This is great - Many Thanks to everybody making this possible

And to all lurkers and guests => Register and get member - it costs nothing, only 2 or 3 clicks
not to long ago Don suggested I look at this site at that time there were 634 members and really not growing all that much. Then more and more people began to show up here. At one time Donnie a man of unwavering faith stood his ground against vicious attacks against what we believed in, he took the full force of relentless persecution and in the end is still standing as strong as ever.
it was the idea to gather build logs from other forums and create an international library index of building logs. If you are a member of another forum or know of one perhaps they would like to join this fantastic community of international builders.
What is making this grow is just simple common respect for one another, we do not care where or who you bought a kit from, what country your from, if you are a rank beginner or master builder we all have something to share.
years ago my brother passed away and I posted it on a model ship forum I was a member of. The replay was sorry to hear that but we don't care this is a model ship forum so keep your comments about model ship building. WOW times changed for some people

as Donnie said The "Nature" of the hobby includes the core thing and that is the people.
Well, to be honest. I am happy to see everybody happy and enjoying themselves. There are so many of you to thank in really making this forum diverse, from the models being built, to the range of countries represented, and everybody is like family here.