Just signed on

Jul 26, 2017

Frisco, Texas
Greetings from Texas
I am excited to finally join this group. Have been active at MSW for the last year with the logged completion of the Benjamin Latham, a some what difficult and challenging build. Surprised to see no builds of her here. I am beginning build of Cazador Xebec. Not sure whether to post log as there is already an excellent one underway.
Welcome Mel, Glad to have you here, YOU HAVE a TOTAL of 3 sister sites here SOS/MSB/NBM, great new things on these forums people here love ALL THINGS SHIPBUILDING and a informative group...I am very interested in the, CAZADOR XEBEC, and hope to do a ZEBEC, PLEASE START A BUILDING LOG HERE. Don
sideliner said:
Greetings from Texas
I am excited to finally join this group. Have been active at MSW for the last year with the logged completion of the Benjamin Latham, a some what difficult and challenging build. Surprised to see no builds of her here. I am beginning build of Cazador Xebec. Not sure whether to post log as there is already an excellent one underway.

Greetings Mel
welcome to the sites what we have here is SOS this is an open public forum then we have MSB forum it is a forum that has been around a long time and fun to look through. Then there is the Navy Board Site this is an on going library and archive. Finally there is the facebook part here you can meet builders from all over the world.

build logs of the same model is encouraged because it is as much about the builder as it is about the model. There may be little bits and pieces of information or the way you did something that adds to this hobby.

Your right there is no log here for the Benjamin Latham so if you have a backup you can up load here that would be great. An advantage is we do not block or hide anything everything is open to the public so many guests wonder through and they can see your work. Your log at MSW is members only and blocked from the general public and guests who might stumble on to the forum.

Welcome from down Under.

We are looking forward to seeing you build log.

G'day Mel, and another welcome from down under, looking forward to your build,

best regards John.
As you can see, we are all very happy to see new members join. Glad to have you aboard.There is a lot of great modelers on this site and people are very helpful when you have problems or questions. This is a nice, free, open site and Donnie does a great job maintaining it without asking for money to help him with the cost of equipment or anything. He does this because he loves this hobby and the people involved. Very glad to have you aboard.
Thank you Gary for those kind words and also to Donfarr. I am truly humbled.