Kingfisher 1770 1:48 POF

Hello friends!

I learned a few things fabricating the waterway on the lower deck that I was able to apply to the (more complex) waterway of the upper deck. First, I discovered a way to make a quick and accurate pattern... In the image below the cardstock (4 overlapping pieces - one for each of the waterway segments) has only been quickly trimmed to approximate the flow of the inner hull:

View attachment 459224

I then used a washer to trace a precise line...

View attachment 459223

Once I had cut out the cardstock template, I traced that shape onto suitable stock and cut out strips to match. In order to mark the width of the waterway I used a compass:

View attachment 459225

Anyone ever done this???

View attachment 459226

Yes, I am cutting on the wrong side of the line :rolleyes:.

Anyway, I then shaped the waterway to the final profile:

View attachment 459227

Fitted and installed:

View attachment 459228

View attachment 459230

Oh, and somewhere along the way I added this iron knee:

View attachment 459229

On the next post you will see the final installation of the bitts...
This is genius Paul. So simple yet so effective. Thanks for guiding the rest of us.
I have bookmarked this for future reference.

This is great... thanks a lot for taking the time... Very useful to me (and I'm sure, many others). I like the bonus approach... will practice on this.

Your woodwork is simply amazing... will take me few years to catch-up.... if ever. However, we all need a great reference log, if we are even to improve. Thanks for that... this brings a whole new dimension to modeling ships. I'm committed to get there one of those days.
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Hello friends!

I learned a few things fabricating the waterway on the lower deck that I was able to apply to the (more complex) waterway of the upper deck. First, I discovered a way to make a quick and accurate pattern... In the image below the cardstock (4 overlapping pieces - one for each of the waterway segments) has only been quickly trimmed to approximate the flow of the inner hull:

View attachment 459224

I then used a washer to trace a precise line...

View attachment 459223

Once I had cut out the cardstock template, I traced that shape onto suitable stock and cut out strips to match. In order to mark the width of the waterway I used a compass:

View attachment 459225

Anyone ever done this???

View attachment 459226

Yes, I am cutting on the wrong side of the line :rolleyes:.

Anyway, I then shaped the waterway to the final profile:

View attachment 459227

Fitted and installed:

View attachment 459228

View attachment 459230

Oh, and somewhere along the way I added this iron knee:

View attachment 459229

On the next post you will see the final installation of the bitts...
Nice to see your manual for marking and making the waterways, Paul. Very effective!
And great progress with the build and nice ‘structure look-through pictures.
Regards, Peter
Hope you get some "Catching" in, while "Fishing"!!

Be well and good luck!!
Hey Brad,

I noted that you are also comfortable with a fishing pole in your hand. Since I mostly fish with my children/their spouses I actually rarely catch fish anymore. It's more of a guide service and I point out the promising spots to them while personally fishing 'away' so they can't quite detect my modus operandi ROTF (letting them catch all the fish). I have caught enough fish in my life - but to hear "I got one" from someone I love is the best sound ever!

And even that pales in comparison to fishing with my little grandkids.
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Hey Brad,

I noted that you are also comfortable with a fishing pole in your hand. Since I mostly fish with my children/their spouses I actually rarely catch fish anymore. It's more of a guide service and I point out the promising spots to them while personally fishing 'away' so they can't quite detect my modus operandi ROTF (letting them catch all the fish). I have caught enough fish in my life - but to hear "I got one" from someone I love is the best sound ever!

And even that pales in comparison to fishing with my little grandkids.
Amen! Same with my daughters when they were young!

Just waiting for the four grandkids to have the patience for a little boat ride with a shot at some fish!!! The smiles will be Nirvana....