Dear Paul,Continuing with the chain pumps...
The pump is operated by a crank system (or at least that's the way I understand it to work). To that end I needed to fabricate that system along with some posts at the fore and aft ends of the cranks to control their rotation.
The easiest thing to do would be to simply bend some brass rod - but I need to continue developing my metal working skills, and this seemed like a nice opportunity.
First, I wanted to create some square corners to receive the bars of the cranks (stick with me here - it will all make sense by the end...):
Square tubing cut at 45 degrees:
View attachment 468637
Soldered corners:
View attachment 468638
Cleaned up and cutting the corners to length:
View attachment 468639
The short vertical segments:
View attachment 468640
And now the horizontal segments (just dry fit at this point):
View attachment 468641
My first attempt at burnishing/blackening these brass bits was a failure. So, I cleaned them up much more carefully, managed to lose one of the parts (well, the entire sub-construction on the right side of the above photo) when it was flung away to that place where socks go, spent a long hour searching, and a longer hour making the replacement part....
The second attempt at burnishing/blackening was much more successful.
View attachment 468644
Notice the new posts at the far left and far right (above photo) providing rotational points for the cranking system...
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I then removed all of these parts from the model. I'll keep them safe until closer to the end of the build.
And it was at this very moment that I looked at the place where the cistern was sitting and wondered where all the water was going to drain to. Scuppers! I forgot the &^%$%^&* (translation: %!@#$(*&^%) scuppers...
With an open deck like this you don't need scuppers, only a very good bilge pump
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