Hello @Macika, thank you for your post. You and Christian have touched on the essence of this particular build. While I don't want to ignore historical accuracy it is now obvious that I have chosen to depart from that for artistic expression in some areas of the ship. While I preserved the historically accurate top and butt exterior hull planking (indeed, I even have the exact number of strakes required for the hull), the use of American Holly as a nod toward the coating that would have been slathered on the hull below the waterline is done without regard to historical reality (that's hardly a waterline being formed below the wale with the holly, is it?).That's exactly what makes this hobby so diverse. As an absolute beginner, I was attracted by exactly that contrast between the two wood types as I think it looks great when viewed from a distance. But as you say, everyone has it's own taste, even in this matter.
Likewise, the treenails are a departure (though in this case a somewhat unwanted one). They should be of the same wood species as the hull planks (and those would have been oak) with their end grain showing just a bit darker than the plank itself. I would have preferred that (and you WILL see that on the portion of the hull that will be planked in boxwood), but I couldn't make it happen. And while the contrast is more than I was hoping for I will admit that the effort needed to install all those treenails feels vindicated in the fact that you can actually see the treenails.
Anyway, welcome to the forum @Macika. As a relative beginner myself I would encourage you to post your work in a build log. Without input from friends on the forum I would have tossed my first ship model and found another hobby long ago. How sad that would have been because I truly love this diversion from the routines and challenges of life.
Sorry for the digression...during the Thanksgiving season in the US I get annoyingly reflective