I nice up-date, showing nice work, Paul.I'm a little surprised to be posting again this week. Counter timbers are notoriously difficult, and I was expecting any number of do-overs...but the kit design is rather clever and once I wrapped my brain around the information in Antscherl (TFFM) and saw how others had approached this challenging construction (other build reports) I had fairly smooth sailing (if spending 10 hours on just a few timbers can be considered smooth sailing).
These are kit-supplied parts that I have customized to bring them into conformity with the (many) ship drawings I have now accumulated (including some new drawings from Harold Hahn's son who will happily sell you copies of his father's material!).
The parts:
View attachment 418595
I first needed to establish the round-up (camber) of the upper element (on the right). This complex timber will eventually function as the terminal beam on the quarter deck (the rebate is to receive the decking):
View attachment 418596
The round-up of the quarter deck is 6 inches (though less on this shorter piece).
Next, I needed to carefully shape the 'pockets' that would receive the inner and middle counter timbers (the cool kids probably know how to do this with a mill or other precision tooling - I just used files):
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View attachment 418598
And now, after several hours of fussing...counter timbers being fixed in place:
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And after a bit of fairing on the back side...
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I would have waited until the helm port was fabricated for this next post, but I was feeling pretty good and wanted to share my progress with my forum friends! I might even have a glass of wine with my bride to celebrate.
It looks to me like sailing with a headwind, you often have to tack, it doesn't progress quickly, but you will get there. And even that can be covered as smooth sailing.(if spending 10 hours on just a few timbers can be considered smooth sailing)
Regards, Peter