Just finished reading thus far this unbelievable build/post and and it involved drinking two double espresso's to ensure I was awake and not in a fantasy dream where art and perfection were the only existence. Michele without doubt you are certainly a grand master of modelling. "Grande Rispetto per te".
My friend - very good work -> it is amazing
only one tip for the next videos - show the the photos maybe one or two seconds longer.
I had permanently click on "halt" to realize what I can see - just wonderful work
Il video sarebbe venuto troppo lungo, la gente si stanca e preferisce cose corte ;)

The video would have been too long, people get tired and prefer short things ;)
I'm with Uwe. I am in no hurry to finish seeing your impressive work. It takes time to figure out what you are showing and time to appreciate the excellence.
@dockattner @Uwek In youtube you can slow down the playback speed. :cool:, special for slow watchers
Yes, but the photo quality is also diminished in the video format. I typed this very slowly Stephan in case you are also a slow reader ROTF.

Sorry for being off-topic Michele - my bad.
You guys are silly, but that's what I love about you.

@MICHELE PADOAN , I'm really a big fan and I'm always impressed by your work, it seems to be in the blood of the Italians, I just think of de Angelo or Da Vinci.
Michele, do you have any reference to acquire your die cutter?
Also, it would be helpful to know about your rope-making machine. Thank you very much.
Michele, do you have any reference to acquire your die cutter?
Also, it would be helpful to know about your rope-making machine. Thank you very much.
La fustellatrice la presi anni fa in un negozio a Milano che ora ha chiuso, quindi non saprei. Al momento non ho una mia commettitrice di cavi. Nel caso dovessi alberare completamente una nave, allora me ne costruirei una di sicuro.

I got the die-cutter years ago in a shop in Milan that has now closed, so I don't know. At the moment I don't have my own cable seller. If I had to fully mast a ship, then I would definitely build one.
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Dear Michael
you are doing wonderful work on this ship, it's going to be a masterpiece, well done Exclamation-Mark :)

Is there a planned date for the publication of the monograph of the ship by ancre
Tylko podziwiać . Dobrze że są tacy modelarze jak Ty mamy się od kogo uczyć . Czy mógł byś nam udostępnić jakiś filmik z procesu postarzania jak to robisz . Na pewno wielu z nas z takiego filmiku by się ucieszyła. Pozdrawiam Mirek
Ciao a tutti, da poco ho iniziato un nuovo cantiere, un nuovo progetto Ancre che mi è stato proposto dal signor D. Berti e dal mio amico Franco Fissore loro progetti. Da parte mia non mancherà certo il mio impegno e la voglia di far bene. Per quanto riguarda la monografia si tratta di una fregata francese, la Nereide, su progetto e realizzazione di Olliver padre e figlio. Fregata di primo ordine del 1722, armata di 42 cannoni, 20 cannoni da 18 libbre nella prima batteria (differentemente da quelli da 12 libbre riportati negli scritti precedenti, dopo un'ulteriore studio e ricerca più approfonditi che hanno portato il signor Lemineur a fare delle correzioni), e 22 cannoni da 6 nella seconda batteria. La nave sarà realizzata, su disegni di Jean-Claude Lemineur, in scala 1/48 in legno di pero e ciliegio. Le bellissime e ricche sculture saranno eseguite in bosso e poi rifinite con patina dorata. Tutto il modello, infine, come è ormai mia consuetudine, sarà trattato col bitume di giudea per dare quell'aspetto che ormai è diventato il mio stile. Nel frattempo che sto aspettando i piani della Nereide ancora in elaborazione, mi son portato avanti con la carpenteria e l'artiglieria. La fregata sarà armata solo da un lato, mentre l'altro sarà lasciato a vista come sto facendo con le Commerce de Marseille. Ecco qui sotto alcune foto dello scafo in costruzione. sarà trattato col bitume di giudea per dare quell'aspetto vissuto che ormai è diventato il mio stile. Nel frattempo che sto aspettando i piani della Nereide ancora in elaborazione, mi son portato avanti con la carpenteria el' artiglieria. La fregata sarà armata solo da un lato, mentre l'altro sarà lasciato a vista come sto facendo con le Commerce de Marseille.
I quinti d'innalzamento sono stati lasciati interi, mentre le altre doppie coste sono state aperte all'altezza dei madieri e mezzi madieri e dei rispettivi scalmi. Non c'è un taglio netto delle doppie coste in quanto personalmente lo trovo antiestetico.
Le canne sono in ottone, tornite una ad una senza controllo numerico e poi brunite in quanto erano di ferro. Gli affusti, in legno di pero, sono stati trattati col bitume.
Ora sto attendendo che il signor Berti mi invii il resto dei piani della per poter proseguire col cantiere.
Ecco qui sotto alcune foto dello scafo in costruzione.

Hello everyone, I have recently started a new construction site, a new Ancre project that was proposed to me by Mr. D. Berti and my friend Franco Fissore their projects. For my part, my commitment and desire to do well will certainly not be lacking. As for the monograph, it is a French frigate, the Nereide, designed and built by Olliver father and son. First-order frigate of 1722, armed with 42 guns, 20 18-pounder guns in the first battery (unlike the 12-pounder ones reported in previous writings, after further more in-depth study and research that led Mr. Lemineur to make some corrections), and 22 6-guns in the second battery. The ship will be built, based on designs by Jean-Claude Lemineur, in 1/48 scale in pear and cherry wood. The beautiful and rich sculptures will be made in boxwood and then finished with a golden patina. Finally, the whole model, as is now my custom, will be treated with Judean bitumen to give that aspect that has now become my style. In the meantime, while I am waiting for the plans of the Nereid still in progress, I have moved on with the carpentry and the artillery. The frigate will be armed on one side only, while the other will be left exposed as I am doing with the Commerce de Marseille. Here are some photos of the hull under construction. it will be treated with Judean bitumen to give that worn look that has now become my style. In the meantime, while I am waiting for the plans of the Nereid still being elaborated, I have carried on with the carpentry and the artillery. The frigate will be armed on one side only, while the other will be left exposed as I am doing with the Commerce de Marseille.
The fifths of elevation have been left whole, while the other double ribs have been opened at the height of the floors and half floors and the respective rowlocks. There is no clean cut of the double ribs as I personally find it unsightly.
The barrels are made of brass, turned one by one without numerical control and then burnished as they were made of iron. The trolleys, in pear wood, have been treated with bitumen.
Now I am waiting for Mr. Berti to send me the rest of the plans in order to continue with the construction site.
Here are some photos of the hull under construction.

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Hallo Michele my friend @MICHELE PADOAN
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Enjoy your special day