Planset review L'ARTÉSIEN - 64 gun ship - 1764" by Jacques FICHANT


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Dec 25, 2017

Vienna, Austria
Planset Review:
L'ARTÉSIEN - 64 gun ship - 1764
Vaisseau 64 canons
constructed by Joseph OLLIVIER
by Jacques FICHANT

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available Monograph in scale 1:48 or since short time also in scale 1:36 in french or italian language, directly by ancre:

Excerpts from the drawings and shown in the pdf and web-page:


monographie-de-l-artesien-vaisseau-64-canons-1764 (3).jpg monographie-de-l-artesien-vaisseau-64-canons-1764 (4).jpg monographie-de-l-artesien-vaisseau-64-canons-1764 (5).jpg

Size of finished model in scale 1:48:


in scale 1:36 would be:

Hull - 160 - 41 - 45
Rigged - 200 - 55 - 169 -> Really a huge model


Jacques Fichant, a trained engineer and model maker, has long been attracted by the superb model of the Artésien rightly considered as one of the major pieces of the collections of the Musée de la Marine in Paris. He therefore suggested to Admiral George Prud'hom then Director of the museum to make a complete survey of the hull and the rigging of the model with the objective of preparing plans and writing a complete monograph on this subject. This initiative was well received and Mr. Fichant was able to complete his project. He very quickly found that the model had undergone some deformations and that it was necessary to complete the surveys with a search for archival documentation. He had the chance to find in the archives of the historical service of the Navy in Brest a notebook of the hand of Joseph Olivier containing the estimate of the Artesian and several other buildings. Other useful pieces from the archives of Vincennes, Brest and Rochefort have completed the file and allowed to establish the monograph that we are pleased to present

Let us add that the history of the Artesian and its model is full of interest, indeed the Duke de Choiseul appointed Minister of the Navy in October 1761 undertook upon his appointment to restore our navy after the humiliating ordeals of the war of 7 years. To finance a part of the constructions he had imagined to propose to the States of Languedoc to offer a vessel to the King. The success of this step was such that this example was followed and it was not one, but 15 ships of line that were offered to the King. The names of these buildings evoke the origin of the donation so the donations of the States of Artois allowed the construction in Brest of the vessel the Artesian.

The engineer engineer Joseph Olivier, son of the great builder Blaise Olivier, drew up the plans of the Artesian who later served to build other ships of 64 cubicles. The Artesian, begun in June 1762, will be launched March 7, 1765; it will be rebuilt in Rochefort in 1777, refit in 1781 and he will finish his career as a pontoon in 1785

The Artesian had a very honorable career having participated in the American War of Independence battles on the three theaters of operations in Europe, in the West Indies and finally under the orders of the bailiff of Suffren in the victorious battle of Praia, at the defense of the Dutch colony of the Cape of Good Hope and finally to the whole Indian campaign from 1782 to 1784.

The model of the Artesian preserved in the museum of the Navy Paris comes from the so-called collections of Trianon basic background of the current museum. This model is considered by Jean Boudriot as one of the major pieces of the collections. He was executed in Brest at the initiative of the Chevalier d'Oisy who was in charge of the inspection of the ship's construction work. Once finished the model was transported to Versailles accompanied by Sebastien Cupin who had participated in the construction of the model and who will maintain and prepare for the lessons that will be given to the future Louis XVI and his brothers by Nicolas Ozane. The authenticity of the model and its conformity with the vessel itself are therefore indisputable.

from left to right: booklet of the museum model - monograph booklet - drawing set


Booklet of 180 pages format 24 x 31 including

- Joseph Ollivier: Builder engineer
- The Artesian - Vessel of 64 guns
- Career of Artesian
- Source data
- Approach for drawing up plans
- Comments of ship's boards without rigging
- Ship's quote
- Quote of the carpentry
- Approach for the establishment of the rigging
- Description of the rigging
- Comments from the rigging boards
- Dimensions of the masts
- Dimensions of pulleys
- Nomenclature of the rigging
- The model of the National Maritime Museum 69 photographs of details in quadrichromy commented.
- In annex
- Manufacturer quote

Booklet of 24 PAGES by JEAN BOUDRIOT
Full reproduction of the pages dedicated to the model of the Artesian in the book "Historical Models at the Naval Museum"

List of 35 plates in scale 1:48 and 5 plates in scale 1:72 (including all frame drawings):

in scale 1:48

1. schematic elevation
2. vertical sections
3. horizontal sections
4. structural elements
5. wooded elevation
6 to 9. tracing of the chord
10. realization of the bow
11. realization of the stern
12. cross sections
13. plan of the hold
14. plan of the first bridge
15. plan of the second bridge
16. plan of the fellows
17. plan of the poop and amenities
18. longitudinal section
19. spur
20. picture and bottles
21. arrangement of the hold
22. development of the first bridge
23. development of the second bridge
24. layout of the fellows
25. amenities, large cut
26. housing
27. great view from above
28. large elevation accostillée
29. views of the bow and stern
30 & 31. deck hardware
32. anchors and boats
33. masts and yards
34. Fittings of masts
35. yard fittings and pulley

in scale 1:72:

36. transverse sails
37. longitudinal sails
38. successful completion of the maneuvers
39. Artesian under longitudinal veils
40. Artesian under main veils.

LOOK INSIDE of the 24 page Booklet showing the beautiful model in the Museum
Remark: The model was the original basis of the research by the author - he measured all the details from the original model



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Here a great link to the museum web-page showing the Original model:


M5026-1994-AE-025-2.jpg M5026-1994-AE-021-2.jpg M5026-1994-AE-016-2.jpg

for more information about the monograph please take a look in the following posts .......


  • Artesien (6).pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 87
Last edited:
Planset Review: Part II
L'ARTESIEN - 64 gun ship - 1764
Vaisseau 64 canons
constructed by Joseph OLLIVIER
by Jacques FICHANT

LOOK INSIDE of the Monograph Booklet


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showing the research and measurement by the author

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a beautiful ship

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Please take a look at the following post .....
Planset Review: Part III
L'ARTESIEN - 64 gun ship - 1764
Vaisseau 64 canons
constructed by Joseph OLLIVIER
by Jacques FICHANT

in the booklet also a lot of photos of the original model are printed - especially the rigging is well preserved, so a good basis for the detailed information in the monograph

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measurements of the model

LOOK INSIDE of the Drawings and Plates

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Many Thanks for your interest.......
Some more information about the vessel you can find:ésien

On SOS you can find a model built by @Michele Padoan



Take a look also at the beautiful and outstanding model of Gerard Chenivesse in scale 1:36, which I was able to see in Rochefort last year:




And you can find the model construction building log by Gerard Chenivesse on the french forum of our friend @G. DELACROIX and more photos on his web-page:

As I understood, the model is in the meantime finished and delivered to the museum, so it will be hopefully visible for the public

arte6218.jpg arte6311.jpg


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I’m a big fan of L’Artesien. At the moment I'm still fighting with my wife because she doesn't really agree with the 1:36 scale.
Here are two links from the loading and arrival at the museum.
