Le Gros Ventre 1-48 / 1-36

@shota70, this wood is birch, which there is a lot in Norway, I have cut the trees in my own forest, the advantage is that I have large quantities of material
so that I can trial and error as much as I want and that I can sort out bad/ugly materials as needed.
The materials didn't cost anything, just a lot, just labor and a Metabo machine.
Greetings Knut-
@Tobias, thanks for your interest, materials should dry for at least 6 more months, but I also have the Rattlesnake and cross-sections of Blandford I want to practice and finish before starting another project, but, thoughts of Le Gros Ventre are all the time, thanks-
@Tobias , Siste bilde viser materialer som er klar for mindre verktøy Proxxon, og div andre.
Fremdeles en stund før det prosjektet starter.
Takk for interessen,-Knut.

@Tobias The last picture shows materials that are ready for smaller tools Proxxon, and various others. Still a while before that project starts. Thank you for your interest, Knut.

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How can I get a complete set of plans like this
Hello @Chieftee1 , you can buy monographs from the publisher Ancre in France or from Sea Watch Books. I'll link you to both sites.

And on our site Uwe has presented some books, you can also browse here.

Thread 'Overview of available Plan Set / Monographie Reviews'
Here are some additional sources for plans
