Long COVID impacts

May 16, 2021

Newcastle, Australia
Morning all,
I'm a huge fan of SoS and have a few build logs on site, all of which have ground to a halt over past months due to the physical impacts of Long COVID.
Months after recovery from the virus itself, I'm left with chronic fatigue, mental focus and respiratory issues. Because of this I've been unable to really focus on my favourite hobby/past time, but hope to get back to it as I beat this beastie into submission. ;)
In the interim, this site is an awesome distraction and seeing what everyone is up to only fuels my need to get better.
Take care fellow modellers.
Sorry to hear you are under the weather Steve.
Please keep fighting to return to health and get back to modeling, it is a great tonic for life.
Look forward to your next modeling posts.
Added a shot of my current stern project to cheer you along.View attachment 387478
Thanks mate. Appreciate your comments and the awesome photo of the stern of your Vanguard. Dare I ask how many hours were invested in that brushwork?
Thanks mate. Appreciate your comments and the awesome photo of the stern of your Vanguard. Dare I ask how many hours were invested in that brushwork?
Steve I honestly don’t know how many hours I spend building and painting, but I guess it’s many hundreds to thousands. One thing about modeling that I observe is that the derived sense of reward and satisfaction is proportional to the time it takes to create.
Steve I honestly don’t know how many hours I spend building and painting, but I guess it’s many hundreds to thousands. One thing about modeling that I observe is that the derived sense of reward and satisfaction is proportional to the time it takes to create.
I most certainly agree. You spend hours on detailing that only you may ever know is there once the build is complete, but the satisfaction of having such detail there is tremendous.