Re: Mantua Sovereign of Seas
At this stage, there are over 3,500 parts and 650 hours involved in the building process.
The stern area was very incorrect and Amati castings were used to fix what could be fixed. These were used on the center of the galley area and the area below the walkways. This area had two large plaques and the gun ports were circular with wreathes around them. Two more right and left facing unicorns are ordered to finish up the stern decorations.
At this point, the masts, yards, platforms, flagpoles and rigging are all that is needed to complete the model. Since the measurements for the flagpoles is not mentioned anywhere else in any research, this is about the only item that will remain unchanged from the kit as provided. Even though the diameter of the mast and the taper shown on the plans is incorrect, they have to remain the same for platforms to fit correctly. Hounds were used under the lower mast platforms during this time period and will be constructed using the dimensions given on the Amati plans.
This model can represent the ship from 1637 up to it rebuilding in 1651. The rebuilding involved shortening the forecastle heights, removing the forward extensions of the side quarter galleries, removing the poop deck and shortening the head. For my model, I am choosing to show it sometime after 1640 so that at least one footrope can be shown. All the other footropes would not come into use for decades. Stirrups and Flemish horses would also be decades away. The eight-sided center on the yards would not happen until 1730. I have already mentioned other errors that Mantua makes with the rigging. To rig this anyway near what the vessel was rigged like requires books by Lees, Anderson, Sephton and Mondfeld. However, I will show what changes I make as I go through the building processes and hopefully make it clear enough that the books are not required.
The height of the ship was 212 feet from the bottom of the keel to the top of the main flagpole. I use the book “Sovereign of the Seas” by James Sephton to determine the correct height of each mast that was installed on the ship. Then, I calculated the height for the masts and the size and length for each yard to be used at this scale. Another spreadsheet includes the thread sizes for standing rigging.
Mast Length (mm) Yards Diameter (mm) Length (mm)
Bowsprit 450 Spirtsail 4.5 246
Spirtsail topmast 105.5 Spirtsail topsail 2.5 117
Fore 340 Fore 7 348
Fore topmast 217 Fore topsail 4 191.5
Fore topgallant 109.5 Fore Topgallant 3 88
Fore royal 76 Fore royal 2 44
Mainmast 360 Main 9 443.5
Main topmast 228.5 Main topsail 4 218
Main topgallant 109.5 Main topgallant 3 103
Main royal 86 Main royal 2 51.5
Missen 320 Missen 4 206
Missen topmast 152.5 Missen topsail 3 103
Missen topgallant 95.5 Missen topgallant 2 53.5
Crossjack 5.5 316.5
Many sizes of rigging thread will be used to complete the model. The sizes of rope were based upon the diameter of the main at the main deck level. I have calculated the sizes for this vessel base upon the period of it launch. Below is the table for the standing rigging in millimeters. Based on 12 mm Main Mast and 1:78 scale.
Gammoning .797
Shrouds .498
Lanyards .199
Spirtsail topmast
backstay .498
Lanyards .199
Other Standing Rigging
Stay tackle pendant 1.155
Ratlines .155
Woolding .104
Fore Lower Mast
Tackle pendant .797
Tackles .398
Shrouds .797
Lanyards .398
Stay 1.594
Lanyard .498
Fore Topmast
Burton pendant .398
Tackles .199
Futtock staves .797
Futtock shrouds .359
Topmast shrouds .398
Lanyards .199
Backstay .398
Lanyard .199
Topmast stay .797
Lanyard .359
Foremast Topgallant
Futtock staves .398
Futtock shrouds .299
Topgallant shrouds .319
Lanyards .159
Backstay .319
Lanyard .159
Topgallant stay .398
Foremast Royal
Futtock staves .319
Futtock Shrouds .13
Backstay .159
Lanyard .080
Royal stay .199
Royal shrouds .159
Lanyard .080
Main Lower Mast
Tackle pendant .996
Tackles .498
Shrouds .996
Lanyards .498
Stay 1.99
Stay collar 1.49
Lanyard .598
Main Topmast
Burton pendant .498
Tackles .259
Futtock staves .996
Futtock shrouds .398
Topmast shrouds .498
Lanyards .259
Backstay .398
Lanyard .239
Topmast stay .996
Lanyard .398
Main Topgallant
Futtock staves .498
Futtock shrouds .299
Topgallant shrouds .319
Lanyards .159
Backstay .319
Lanyard .159
Topgallant stay .398
Main Royal
Royal staves .33
Futtock shrouds .13
Backstay .159
Lanyard .080
Royal stay .199
Royal shrouds .159
Lanyard .080
Missen Lower Mast
Shrouds .498
Lanyards .259
Stay .797
Lanyard .398
Missen Topmast
Futtock staves .498
Futtock shrouds .299
Topmast shrouds .319
Lanyards .159
Backstay .319
Lanyard .159
Topmast stay .398
Lanyard .199
Missen Topgallant
Futtock staves .199
Futtock Shrouds .199
Topgallent shrouds .239
Lanyard .119
Backstay .159
Lanyard .080
Topgallant stay .199