Here is the list of books still available:
The books are in new condition (as received from the publisher).
I will only ship in North America.
The prices are in Canadian currency (CAD) and include shipping anywhere in Canada.
Please add $ 10 (CAD) for all continental US destinations.
Le Coureur 1766 (English) - $ CAD 78.00 (including shipping to Canada)
Le Coureur 1766 (English) - $ CAD 78.00 + 10.00 = CAD 88.00 (including shipping to continental US)
Payment through secure “Square” platform.
Anyone interested in any of these books can PM me with full name and email address. Once the order has been received and confirmed (first come, first served), an “Invoice” will be emailed to you for payment. This step will be followed by shipping via Canada Post only (regular parcel rate)
You may check for full detail on each of these books
Jean Boudriot
Le Boullongne 1759 – La Compagnie des Indes, 2 volumes (French) - $ CAD 210.00
Le Bateau de Lanvéoc (French) - $ CAD 65.00
Gérard Delacroix
Le Gros Ventre 1766 (English) - $ CAD 145.00
L’Amarante 1744 (English) - $ CAD 104.00
Le Commerce de Marseille 1788 (English) - $ CAD 170.00
La Chaloupe Armée en Guerre 1834 (French) - $ CAD 55.00
Jean Claude Lemineur
The Ship’s Longboat 1680-1780 (English) - $ CAD 84.00
Le Vaisseau de 74, framing plans 1 :72 (french & English) - $ CAD 48.00
Hubert Flatres
La Barque “Savoie” 1896 (French) - $ CAD 80.00
Other books
Les Vaisseaux de 74 à 120 Canons (French) – Jean Boudriot - $ CAD 163.00
Les Vaisseaux de 50 à 64 Canons (French, full version as per ANCRE site) – Jean Boudriot - $ CAD 173.00
Les Saint-Philippe (French) – Patrick Villiers - $ CAD 55.00
La Marine de Louis XVI (french), full version including plates – Patrick Villiers - $ CAD 102.00
Blaise Ollivier – Traité de construction (French) - $ CAD 59.00
Manuel du Gabier - Topman manual (French) - $ CAD 35.00
Thank you for interest.