My first build

Brother Hyperhawk:
Looks good! I guess that there was no writing in your house while the glue for the deck was setting. If you haven't already seen them, get ahold of videos of Buenose II as well as of the original and the movie "Captains Courageous. Those bank schooners are something to see. Also, if you're ever in the neighborhood, take a look at the L.A. Dunton at Mystic Seaport. She's not a knockabout, but much is the same. Fair winds!
Brother Hyperhawk:
Looks good! I guess that there was no writing in your house while the glue for the deck was setting. If you haven't already seen them, get ahold of videos of Buenose II as well as of the original and the movie "Captains Courageous. Those bank schooners are something to see. Also, if you're ever in the neighborhood, take a look at the L.A. Dunton at Mystic Seaport. She's not a knockabout, but much is the same. Fair winds!
I agree that the LA Dunton isn't so gorgeous now, but I'll bet she will be once the Mystic Seaport shop is done with her. There are precious few of those old beauties still around... :-)
I agree about the pencils - very good trick - next time, if you have several different size dowels, that would also work - I have to remember this.
The only thing I can think of is to run hot water on your planks to help them bend easier. That also keeps them from bending and splitting and breaking. But the BN has very slow arching curves so not so much to worry, but do think about it as you go along.
However, I can not remember if this Billings BN has double planks or not. If it does, then the next layer would be extremely thin and not to worry about hot water. Just some thoughts, other than that - very nice progress !!!
0ops. I made a mistake. My reference to "knockabout" in post #7 had to do with my thinking that L.A. Dunton has a bowsprit (true) and that Bluenose II does not (false). If she did not have a bowsprit she would be a knockabout schooner, a later style that had a drawn out bow and no bowsprit.
In Wiscasset Maine long ago there were 2 schooners slowly passing away, right along US 1. They are beautiful.
Yes…I lived in Wiscasset since the late 50s and watched the two schooners slowly succumb to the ravages of time, tides, and weather. They are gone now entirely as the Town of Wiscasset removed the last of the debris several years ago.