Hello to all. This forum is wonderful, especially for newbies. In 1997 (25 years ago) My wife gave me the Artesania Latina US Constitution 1798 1:85 with sails.. I looked at it and noted that it was going to be a difficult challenge. I was very very busy in my practice as a heart transplant surgeon and multiple children to raise. I had never built anything before except plastic planes a kid. I set it in a closet and forgot about it.
2 years ago I retired and moved to Texas. I found the box and took it with me. I am now 2 years into the build. The instructions on that build should be used for toilet paper, especially for a newbie. I found this site recently, It has been a joy to read all here. My build looks OK for a newbie, but could have been much better. I am at the the level of hanging the yards and adding sails. Amazing, the 25 year old paint was like new. Just a lot of shaking at the start.
I also have recently attained a Model Expo US Constitution 1:76. I'm thinking that I will use copper plates for the Hull. Amati Copper Hull Plates 19x6mm 1:64 Scale. I know that the Constitution is a 1:76 But I have not found a reasonable price for others and the larger size will work better with my fat fingers.
Does anybody know how many plates I will need for this ship?
Thanx again for all of you helping others,