Nautical Research

Jan 4, 2017

Exeter, Ontario, Canada
For any of you maritime history enthusiasts out there you may find this of interest. The Canadian Nautical Research Society / Société canadienne (CNRS/SCRN) pour la recherche nautique is now providing open access to all past and current issues of The Northern Mariner & The Argonauta, both quarterly publications of the Society (all of which have now been digitized). This year they have expanded their membership to include a Digital category. Personally I would urge you to become members of the Society under that category if you have an interest in nautical history. It's a way to help promote research in a day and age when governments are cutting back funding in a big way. It is probably important for you to know that I am a Councillor of the CNRS. That being said, I would make the same suggestion if I wasn't.

The Northern Mariner (TNM) is one of the last peer reviewed journals of its kind in North America. It is a shared publication of the CNRS and the North American Society for Oceanic History (NASOH).

The Argonauta is the quarterly newsletter of the CNRS. It contains many interesting articles about subject matter that you would probably never hear about if they were not published here.

Their website is: