need help

Nov 25, 2022

A friend would like me to do repairs to a model that has been in the family for many years and I was wondering if any of the modelers out there could help me identify it...... Not sure of the age of it no mfg marks the label just says pirate ship........solid hull with no planking.... any help would be greatly appreciated.......thanx.....Mike



You are probably right she knows that it has been in the family for a long time but not sure of its origin.....decoration sounds right knowing the family, no great tales of a model ship builder. The rigging is more decoration than model and the more I look at parts I believe you are right....thanx for your input I am now going to attempt yo overhaul it.......if it were up to my wife I would be right once a year,
I believe (with a pretty high level of confidence) this is a decorative art piece and not a scale model off a real ship. Although, I've been wrong many times in the past and I'm sure I'll be wrong often in the future as well. Just ask my wife. :)
I was almost wrong once
I suspect this was made in China or elsewhere in SE Asia for sale to tourists. We had a similar model at home when I was a kid which my grandad (who was a merchant seaman - a ship's baker on emigrant ships mostly) brought back from Hong Kong and promptly converted to a table lamp. However, I hope he was a better baker than he was a woodworker.
I can see no blocks on any of the rigging, so unless you are going to take that leap it should be a nice straightforward job. Do keep us posted on how you go about it.
Thanx for all of the comments and when I complete it I will post pics....again thanx to all.....Mike