New Member

Aug 28, 2016
Hi Folks,

I am a new member. Have been making plank-on-frame and plank-on-bulkhead models fr 69 years. Started at 10 years old. I am now beginning to wind down my hobby due to uncontrollable shaking in my hands - can't due detail anymore.

Looking forward to passing on my knowledge and stories.

Al Carrato
Hi Gary,

You and I have a lot in common. I am retired E9, Master Chief Avionicsman. Spent 22 years, 11 at sea on 5 aircraft carriers.

Taught myself how to build ship-in-a bottle during off hours at sea.

I am presently trying to finish the HMS Victory cutaway. I am on the rigging now. It is hard to do with shaking hands.

I have built scores of models over the years. Sold most of them and gave away a few.

Most recent are below:

Hawkin's Canonera (scratch), 2014
Lobster Smack, (scratch), 2014
Roar Ege, (scratch), 2014
Essex Cross Section, Aeropiccocola, 2015
Bluenose II, scratch 2015
Hanna (bottle), Amati, 2015
Blue Shadow, Mamoli, 2016
