New modeler

Presently, I have gone through a lot of wood carving the stern filler block fit the Pride of Baltimore kit and have not yet completed it satisfactory. Any hints to help me? Are there better tool than xacto to carve. Thankyou
No direct answer here Edward. Instead of just carving the filler block, try using a combination of block sanders and dremel drum sander to get the final shape you need. See the post here from my old Bluenose log if this helps..

Built an Armed Virginia Sloop with help from LSS many, many years ago. After a several year gap, I restarted the hoppy with an Armed Longboat. Needless to say, I found the directions confusing and had to scrap it. I am going to start the Pride of Baltimore and wondering if anyone else built it. Thanks Edward
Hallo @Edward
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
How is the work on the Pride of Baltimore going?